Chapter 13

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I heard the loud elementary school bells ring. Almost immediately, children began to emerge out of the front doors. Once it kind've died down a little bit, I saw Ethan and his friends casually walk out of the building. Ethan began looking around and searching for me. He laid his eyes on me and Odell. He immediately started smiling. He sped up his pace to get to us. He gave us both a big hug and spoke.

"Hey Rayne! I couldn't wait until today." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Odell! It's nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" Ethan asked as his friends stood behind him with their mouths agape.

"I'm here for you champ. I'm going to spend the day with you and Rayne. Is that okay with you?" Odell said as he bent down to Ethan's level.

"Of course!" Ethan said with a smile as he turned to face his friends.

"You know Odell Beckham Jr. Ethan? Why didn't you tell us?" Eli, of his friends asked him while trying to whisper. I chuckled as Odell grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He was nervous. He always seemed to get this way around fans, he was more shy than them. He only wanted to please them and he did every single time. I squeezed his hand back to assure him that he would be fine.

"I don't know. I guess it didn't cross my mind." Ethan said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, do you think you can introduce us to him?" Eli said as he gestured between himself and their other friend Elliot. I called them the Three E's sometimes because of their names. It's cute. Don't judge me.

"Sure man." Ethan said to them as he moved over a bit and turned back towards Odell and I.

"Eli and Elliot, this is Odell, my God mothers best friend. Odell these are my best friends Eli and Elliot." Ethan said.

I was slightly surprised but then I remembered that I had told his mother that I would step up and be the honorary God mother.

"What's up Eli and Elliot. How are y'all doing?" Odell said as he held out his hand. They shook his hand and I smiled. It was such a cute moment.

"Eli and Elliot do you want me to take a picture and send it to your mothers?" I asked them. I know they would appreciate this moment. Elliot's mother works at the firm and Eli's mother owns the best bakery downtown.

"Yes , please Miss. Rayne." They said in unison.

They took turns taking a picture with O before they hurriedly ran to catch the bus. I put their mothers in a group message since its quicker that way and sent the pictures.

"Alright Ethan get in the car so we can go." I told Ethan as I opened my door and sat down. I turned the car on and turned on the air. Once I heard the passenger side and back seat door close, I put the car in Drive and we were on our way.

"Are you hungry Ethan?" I asked him as I casually glanced in the rearview mirror.

"No ma'am. What are we doing today?" Ethan asked me.

"We just going to go with the flow... Did your momma send your medicine?" I asked Ethan. The atmosphere completely shifted as I asked that question. I realized that I had mentioned his medicine pertaining to his disorder. He had told me before not to tell anyone or mention it. I forgot and now Odell was looking at me trying to figure out what medicine I was referring to.

"Rayne." Ethan said in pure disappointment and hurt.

"Ethan, I'm sorry it slipped out." I tried to apologize. I felt really bad. No matter how much his mother and I tried to encourage him and raise his confidence level, he was always insecure about his disorder.

"I want to go home. I don't want to do anything anymore." He said. I was just as excited as him about hanging out with him. I love Ethan like he was my own so I don't like disappointing him.

I pulled the car over in Wendy's parking lot and turned to Odell.

"Can you give us a minute? Please?" I asked him.

"Yea." He said with slight confusion lacing his voice. He opened the door and ran inside of Wendy's. I bet you he is going to get a Baconator with large fries and a Strawberry lemonade.

I unbuckled my seat belt and turned towards Ethan.

"Ethan, I know you didn't want anyone to know. I apologize. I didn't do it intentionally. I love you like you're my own and I would never try to hurt you. I love spending time with you and I wouldn't jeopardize our time together by trying to hurt you." I told him as I saw him trying to avoid eye contact.

"You already did your damage." He said. He is so dramatic sometimes.

"Ethan I'm sorry." I said not knowing what else to say.

"You said it in front of my role model Rayne. I don't want anyone having sympathy for me. I want to be normal but now my role model is going to look at me differently. Thanks a lot." Ethan said trying to hold back his tears. I saw Odell walk out of Wendy's with a strawberry lemonade in his hand. I know he inhaled his food. He walked slowly trying to give us some more time.

"Ethan I promise I didn't say it on promise. I always ask you did your mother send your medicine even though we are normally alone. It slipped out! I didn't mean to I just wanted to make sure you had it. I'm not used to anyone riding with us. I had forgot Odell was in the car. Also, I promise Odell won't look at you differently. If anything, he will like you even more. He's very understanding. He won't judge you.

"I still think you're wrong." He said. I could tell he was hurt.

"I was wrong and I apologize for that." I said. He didn't respond. Instead he began to look out the window. I sighed and turned around. jumped out the car and met Odell in front of the car.

"Ethan is upset at me for letting his secret slip out. He said he is upset because I said it in front of you. He said that you are his role model and now he thinks that you will look at him differently and will have sympathy for him. He hates it when people sympathize about his situation." I said as I ran my hands through my hair.

"What disorder does he have?"

"Bipolar disorder." I responded.

"Okay. I'll talk to him give us a minute. I sat on the hood of my car and swung my legs. I watched as Odell got inside the car and closed the door. I saw both of their lips moving and eventually Ethan began to smile. They reached across my seats and gave each other a hug. I smiled and turned so I didn't look nosey. I heard the door open and saw Ethan come up to me. I hopped off the hood and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Rayne for giving you a hard time when you were trying to apologize. Odell said he doesn't look at me differently. He said that he likes me more just like you said."

"I told you sport." I said as I gave him a huge hug.

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