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Everyone was gathering in the square. Kids shuffling into lines and parents were being ushered into a roped off section. Everyone eligible stood in the square. We were sectioned off by boys and girls and our ages. Oldest in the front, youngest towards the back. I spotted Gale across the square. He looked great in a button down shirt and slacks. I spotted Peeta next, his hulking figure looming over most of the boys there. His shot of blond hair was slicked back and his face was free of ash for once. I got into line and could see, far up ahead, Katniss clutching Prim's hand tightly. This was Prim's first reaping. A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. I felt like throwing up.

They marked off my name and I continued on, trying to find Katniss in the crowd. She was tiny but her blue dress stood out. She was way up in front and nobody would let me get to her. With a huff I stopped and stood next to the mayors daughter Madge. "Hi." She said quietly. I nodded my hello staring at the back of Katniss head willing her to turn around, but she never did. Prim had already been removed from her side. She was somewhere behind me in the crowd maybe with a friend or two. I looked out at the scene before us. A mock stage set up in front of the Justice Building. There are three seats, a microphone, and two giant glass bowls. Twenty of those slips of paper say Katniss Everdean, forty-two of them say Gale Hawthorne. I clench my fists.

Cameramen are perched on the surrounding buildings. Waiting for the reaping to start. Waiting for the excitement. They're probably tapping us this very second. There are men smoothly making their way through the crowd of parents. They have evil grins and some have sad smiles. They're taking bets on who will be reaped. Bets are taken based off of age, whether they'll come from the Seam or merchant, or if they will break down. These people have no family. Or just plain don't care. Why wold they? Not their kids. Why not make a profit out of it. I turned away. People like that made me so angry. "I like your dress." Madge says next to me. I blink and glance at her.

"It's my mothers." I say glancing at myself. "I like yours too." I say politely. Taking in her white dress trimmed with lace. She shrugged and that was that. As more people come some are redirected to conjoined streets where they will watch the reaping on large screens provided by the Capitol. Madge's father, Mayor Undersee steps on stage with Effie Trinket who is sporting bright pink hair and a forest green dress. They look at the empty seat with slight concern but as the clock strikes two Mayor Undersee stands and begins the speech that everyone has memorized.

He talks of how Panem rose when North America fell. He talks of the problems that it first faced. The droughts, storms, fires. Then there was Panem. It's 13 districts surrounding the Capitol. They talked of how the District's were full of life, and prosperity. I see none of that here now. If it ever even existed. Then the Dark Days, where the District's rose up and rebelled against it's Capitol. When the smoke cleared we were left with twelve District's, thirteen was gone. Completely destroyed in the war. The Treaty of Treason was made, initiating new laws and starting the Hunger Games, to remind us that we have no power. Two kids. A boy and girl from each District between the ages of 12 and 18 shall be reaped. They are called tributes. They will be put in an arena of the Capitals making, and fight til the death. Twenty four tributes will dwindle to one. They will gain fame, fortune, and the District of the kids origin will be showered with presents. Mainly food. They make us watch as the District pigs out. It's disgusting.

"It is both a time for repentance and a time for thanks." The Mayor finishes. That he pulls out a list of the victors from our District. In seventy-four years District 12 has only had two winners. The one still alive today is Haymitch Abernathy. Who at that very moment stumbles onto stage with a bottle in his hand. He is clearly drunk. Effie Trinket steers around him and steps up to the mike as Mayor Undersee introduces her.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor." She says a bit too cheerfully. She talks of the honor of being selected for the games but there is no honor in being sent to your death. Everyone here knows that. I look over and find Gale looking my way. He has a half smile on his face. I give a small smile back. Staring at him reminds me of his name being in the bowls forty-two times. I turn back and look at Katniss. She still hasn't turned around. I try to look for Prim but she is lost in the crowd behind me. I glance back at Gale again. His face has gone cold. He's thinking of his chances. I can tell. He has less of a chance than most. His name is in their too many times. Right now all I want to do is rush across the square take his hand and tell him it will be fine.

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