The Girl

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The Tower was designed for the tributes and their teams. Each district gets a whole floor to themselves so naturally we're at the top, level 12. That should be fairly easy to remember. This elevator is better than the one in the Justice Building back home. It moves crazy fast and the whole thing is made of glass. I watch as we shoot up into the sky, everything on the ground shrinking away. I get giddy with excitement as we step out onto our floor. I want to ride the elevator again. I'm sure there's a huge smile on my face. I'm confirmed of it when i look at Peeta and he's smirking at me. He thinks i'm a child. I stop smiling.

Apparently Effie will be overseeing us with Haymitch throughout the entire games. I didn't know this, but right now i'm grateful that she's here. Haymitch is nowhere to be seen. He doesn't give a damn about us. I think angrily. Effie is up in the clouds, and it's hard not to get as excited as she is describing our entrance. She talks about how the crowd gasped in amazement then erupted into cheers. She paints a golden picture of us and i start to believe we may even have a chance. She's also being more helpful than Haymitch has. She starts to tell us about how she's been trying to reign in sponsors.

"I've been keeping it vague. I tell them about how you valiantly volunteered for your sick best friend." she says turning toward me and i nodded slowly. I wasn't about to argue with her right now. I wasn't in the mood. I thought of my family and friends at home. Were my parents proud? What did they think of our display? I wondered how Katniss was fairing. Had she been watching the screen intently. I bet she silently cheered on the inside that Peeta and i were holding hands. She knew how i felt about him. Then i felt like i'd been punched. Gale. Gale was in love with me. I hoped he was taking care of Katniss like he'd promised. If he really loved me he would get over me. He would be with Katniss. Make Katniss happy. She deserved someone as good as him more than i did. I slowly tuned back into the conversation and tried to get rid of my noisy thoughts.

"Of course unfortunately only Haymitch can line up your sponsors. I have no control over that." I grew upset. Haymitch had better start supporting us like he had promised. "Don't worry." she says touching my arm lightly. "I'll get him to clean up his act even if i have to hold him at gun point." the thought of Effie pointing a gun at Haymitch made me smile.

My room is gigantic to say the least. It was bigger than my entire house and i lived in the merchant area of District 12. It was probably twice the size of Katniss' house. The bed was big and sat in the middle. The headboard alone was probably as long as i was. The carpet was soft and felt wonderful beneath my feet. The showers were just like the one's on the train. So many knobs, switches, and different types of soap. I wanted to push all of them. Of course i didn't. Eventually i got out and here comes the best part. Once you step out onto the mat,a heater kicks in and blow drys your entire body. Then by touching a pad with your hand an electric current will ripple through you that will dry, de-tangle, and part your hair. It fell down in waves around me. I wanted to take another shower just to experience it all over again.

In the closet i chose an outfit of dark colors. Why stand out when you can be neutral was my motto. The panels for the window can change into any scenery you want. I flipped back and forth between a couple choices, finally settling on the actual scenery outside. The bustling city and night sky. There's a little desk in the corner. It has a giant menu and a little microphone. It will give you whatever you ask for. The food will appear in front of you hot and ready in seconds. I spin around in the chair eating cookies by the handful when Effie calls me for dinner. I practically skip out of my room in delight.

"I'm guessing someone likes their room." a voice calls out to me. It's Cinna. I basically tackle him with a hug.

"It's fantastic. You're fantastic! We looked fantastic!" i feel like screaming. I'm so glad the stylists are here. I don't think i could stand another awkward sitting with Peeta, Effie and.. Oh look Haymitch. He has his head in his hand and looks, decent actually. Maybe he has a stylist too. Peeta and Portia are out on the balcony talking quietly. He smiles at me when i look at him. I smile back. There's a commotion of movement. Young men and women rush in and out from the kitchen doors carrying platters of food. We all sit down and one the servants pours me a glass of wine. I stare at it curiously. I've never had it before. I take a cautious sip and make a horrible face. Peeta tries not to laugh at my expression. We both switch the wine out for water. Everyone is talking costumes for our interviews. A girl with flaming red hair walks out pushing a cart with a cake on it in front of her. I'm astounded by it. Suddenly she takes out a lighter and it goes up in flames.

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