Darkness Sets In and the Monster Attack

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As we kept heading toward the Cornucopia i noticed that the sky began to darken really quickly. "Hey what's going on?" i asked Peeta, confused looking around.

"I think they're ready with their big finale." Peeta replied softly. My breath caught in my throat and i felt my stomach drop. "Come on. It's ok." Percy said touching my cheek lightly. But i could tell he was frightened too. He pulled out both of his daggers. One for each hand. I made sure mine was strapped to my pants before i pulled the arrow in my bow tight. We continued to walk and were maybe less than half a mile from the Cornucopia when i heard it.

"Stop." i whispered to Peeta. We stopped moving. Stopped breathing probably too. It was now completely dark. I couldn't see a thing that wasn't five feet in front of me.

"What did you hear?" Peeta asked.

"Shh." i said hearing yet another twig SNAP! I breathed in and out slowly. Nothing. Please be nothing. Or Cato. At least Cato. Nothing horrible. No monsters. No monsters. Then it was on top of me. I didn't even have time to scream as it jumped into my arrow.

"Catora!" Peeta shouted running toward me and dragging the body of whatever off of me. I was breathing heavily. It wasn't dead or was it? It hadn't made a sound. Hadn't even yelped as my arrow embedded itself in it's chest. I scrambled away from it on all fours. Before standing up quickly and clutching Peeta's arm.

"It's not dead." i said as i watched the giant beast stand up on it's giant paws and shake it's head.

"But your arrow." Peeta said distraught. It was gone. Had it even gone in?

"Run!" i screamed grabbing up my bow from the ground. Peeta and i took off through the forest side by side. I didn't dare look back even when the creature let loose a horrible howling sound. The trees rushed by and the wind whipped my hair back. The panting grew louder suggested that more than one of those creatures was now following us. I dared not look back and when Peeta who was just a couple steps ahead of me tried to steal a quick glance i screamed at him. "No! Just run! Don't look!" My frantic nature must've propelled him forward because before i knew it he was lost in the darkness. I dared not call out for him. I just ran, ran for the Cornucopia. I should be happening upon it soon. I broke through a line of trees and saw something racing back my way. Peeta. "Run!" i shouted at him. He turned tail and ran back to the Cornucopia. I could hear them behind me. Their footfalls on the hard impacted ground. Their breathing, the growls. I almost slammed into Peeta. I couldn't stop.

"Hurry!" he shouted putting out his hands for me to step on to climb up onto the Cornucopia. I put one foot in his hand hold and my hands on the metal sides of the cornucopia. Peeta threw me up and i landed hard onto the glossy surface. I grabbed his arm and heaved him up next to me. The things slammed into the walls of the Cornucopia and into each other in an attempt to reach us. Breathing heavily trying to get as much air into my lungs as i could i watched them. What were they exactly? Dogs? Mutant dogs? None of them were alike and they all looked oddly familiar. One, sleek and yellow maned growled up at me it's piercing blue eyes glaring up at me. I narrowed my eyes and bent down in attempt to get a closer look. Why did they look so familiar? I gasped and almost pitched forward into the pack. If Peeta hadn't caught me i probably would've died right then and there. I began to shake.

"What? What is it!" Peeta asking in concern a wild look on his face. Glimmer. There! That one with the light brown fur and cold unforgiving eyes. Marvel. The slight small one with the textured fur was most definitely Rue. The red haired slim one was Carmela. Cordella. Thresh. Ash. I wailed. Probably sounding like the dogs bellow. Tears on the verge of spilling out. "What's wrong! Tell me!" Peeta shouted grasping my arms and making me face him. His grip was firm and he shook me slightly as he talked.

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