Change of Plans

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We walked a little ways into the wood and he sat me down next to a hollow log he began to pull out all my weapons. "Keep some of the knives." I said waving away the two biggest ones he was handing me.

"What if I try to kill you?" Peeta asked his voice dangerously low but I saw the mocking tone in his eyes.

"I'd kill you before you ever got to me." I responded immediately. Peeta laughed and sat down next to me. He picked up a stick and began breaking it into little pieces.

"Are you hungry? We should get some food into you." Peeta said pulling my backpack over. That's when we heard it a small constant beeping noise. We both looked up and saw a tiny parachute attached to a metal basket coming our way. It landed just a few feet in front of us. "Sponsors?" Peeta questions looking at me. I shrugged and he got up and picked it up off the ground. Sitting back next to me he placed the cold metal into my hands. "Open it." he said carefully. I bit my lip and spun the metal around in my hands. I find the latch and flip it up. The top pops open and I take it off the rest of the way. In it there is a small loaf of bread. It's a funny color. Not like the ones we have back home where it is tinted black. This was tinted green and It's made of dark grain shaped in a crescent. Sprinkled with seeds.

"It's from District 11." I murmured turning the small loaf around in my hands.

"So you were paying attention when I was raving about bread." Peeta said a small smile on his face.

"Of course I was." I said smiling back at him.

"Why would they send it?" Peeta asked confused. I look at the bottom of the basket and there's a small slip of paper with one word on it. Thank you. Gingerly I pick it up and show Peeta. He takes it out of my fingers and examines it closely. It only says that one word. Nothing else. He turned it around. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" Peeta asked slowly. I didn't answer instead I tore the bread in half and handed him the other piece. He took it, though he didn't eat it. "The girl from 11 I know she.. You seemed upset when you saw her in the sky last night and.." He didn't continue.

"She died." I said biting into my bread forcefully. "And it was my fault." I swallowed and tore of another piece. My throat was dry when a few seconds ago it felt just fine. I ground my teeth and tore of another piece.

"You can't believe that Catora. It's not your fault." Peeta said rubbing my back with his hand.

"Then whose fault is it?" I asked looking at him angrily. His eyes said everything and I finally got what Marvel meant. His last words to me. It wasn't my fault. It was theirs. The Capitols. They put us in here and pitted us against each others they're the ones to blame for all the lost lives. It's their fault. Then why did I feel so bad? I shook my head though I knew he was right. "It's my fault." I stood up so quickly I almost fell over. Peeta grabbed my arm and made me look at him.

"It's not your fault." He said sternly. I didn't reply and I hoped my expression was blank but I could feel my cheeks betraying me, turning a shade of red. Then Peeta hugged me tightly and I hugged him back burying my head into his chest. It felt so good to hug him I could almost imagine we were back in District 12 walking through the woods together.

"We should get back." I said when we broke off. Peeta nodded grabbing up my backpack and slinging it over hi shoulder. I picked up my bow and arrows and put the quiver over my shoulder. I grimaced as we walked. I felt a little better when Peeta slipped his arm around my shoulders. Cautiously I out mine under the backpack around his waist.

"I could just carry you if you don't want to walk." Peeta suggested. I shook my head.

"I can walk." I told him. Peeta smiled slightly and we kept going. We made it back to the cave in one piece. Peeta dropped my bag off to the side and I sat down in my corner and stared at my wound. I watched him rummage through the pack and bring out a roll of bandages. I held out my hand for it but he surprised me by saying.

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