Leaving for a Reason

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Then I'm at the Hawthorne house, where I'm greeted by a small boy an a little girl that toddles after brother on her short stubby legs. "Catora!" he shouts gleefully wrapping his arms around my leg. I smile as his younger sister, Posy, does the same.

"Hello." i say lightly picking them both up. Vick scampers up my arm and clings to my back like a monkey leaving my hands free to carry his sister.

"Gale's in the woods with Katniss!" he says gleefully into my ear.

"I know, I know." i say with a small laugh. I enter their home with a small knock. Mrs. Hawthorne looks up from her laundry with a smile on her face. I set Posy down and Vick slides off my back easily. they go run off into their shared room where Rory has just emerged from. He looks just like Gale. So much so it almost hurts. He glances at me before heading outside. He's restless and wants to be like his brother. Hunting, running wild in the woods and he'll get his wish eventually. Once Gale starts working in the mines and he no longer has a use for school he will get his wish. But for now he grumbles and groans about not being out there with his older brother. His hero.

"Hello Catora." Mrs. Hawthorne says wiping her hands on her apron. "That time already?" She asks pulling me in for a hug. I nod and hug her back tightly. Over the years Gale and Katniss mothers have become like my own. I look up to them. They've pushed through the pain of losing their husbands and the constant struggle of living in the Seam. I'm glad I can finally help them. Mrs. Hawthorne sees no problem in my giving them money. She tells them constantly that it's my money and I should be able to do what I please with it and if that means helping them out then I should do it.
I empty the coin purse into her hands and watch as she shifts the coins between both hands before placing them in an empty tin can by the door. I assume they clean out everything I give them in a day because the can is always empty when I come back. They're a family of five. I'm not surprised. "Where do you run off to Gale's been asking for you." Mrs. Hawthorne says rubbing my arms. I look her straight in the eyes and try not to look completely scared. She's been saying that ever since I've come back. Gale this. Gale that. Where have i been. I shrug slowly.

"Oh you know. Out and about. We've just finished moving into the house. You and your children should stop by sometime." i say plastering a big smile on my face.

"Oh no we couldn't." Mrs. Hawthorne says shaking her head sadly.

"I insist. You'd love it. the kids can bathe there to if they wish and sleep there if they want. There's plenty of room." Still she shook her head.

"I don't want to impose upon you and your family." she said lightly moving back toward her washing.

"You wouldn't be." i say quickly. "I'm trying to convince my parents to move back to their house." i bite my tongue. I've said too much. "Not because i don't want them there, i do. They were just closer to the store back at our old house and so much has changed. I've changed. I love them and i just..." i'm rambling and twisting the ends of my shirt nervously. Mrs. Hawthorne pulls my hands away and tips my chin up to look at her.

"You don't have to explain to me sweetheart." Mrs. Hawthorne says with a small smile. I nod slowly feeling just a little bit defeated but mostly ashamed. "Have you been off with Peeta?" she asks slowly. I try not to laugh but do manage a smile. She approves of Peeta. She thinks he's good for me. I wish i could tell her.

"No. Not really. He's been moving in too. I've only seen him in passing lately..." i decide that sounds too much like we don't want to see each other so i add. "We're meeting up for dinner tonight." Mrs. Hawthorne stops her motions and smiles broadly at me.

"Really? That's sweet." i nod.

"Yeah it is." rocking back and forth on my heels i twiddle my fingers behind my back and glance out the open doorway.

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