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"Marvel." I said but realized I wasn't loud enough. I cleared my throat. "MARVEL!" I said louder waking Glimmer who shot up in a flash. In the corner of my vision I watched Clover and Cato stir. Marvel was looking at me startled. At first I had thought the sun was rising and it was but how could there be two sunrises? I pointed toward the fire awed. Why were they burning down the forest. Marvel stood spear in hand and wheeled around. Glimmer was sitting up her back turned to me looking at it in wonder.

"What is it?" Cato asked annoyed.

"A fire." Clover said sounding maybe a bit too happy.

"Are they trying to burn everything to the ground." Cato grumbled mostly to himself. Meanwhile the gears we're spinning in my head. I had already concluded that that was a stupid idea. Why would they burn down the forest? There was no reason too. Unless someone was in there burning alive. But no. That wouldn't be too fun. Watching someone burn to death. It's way more fun to watch us kill each other.

"Maybe they're pushing someone toward us." A voice called out. I was so startled I jumped. I looked at Ash who was also sitting up and looking at the fire. I had almost forgotten he was there.

"I was thinking the same thing." I replied slowly turning back to look at the moving wall of heat. It was burning through everything pretty quickly.

"Let's go check it out." Cato says roughly getting up off the ground. I move toward my bow and arrows slininging the quiver over my back. My backpack follows. "Not you." Cato says looking at me. I cock my head but realize he's looking beyond me. I swivel my head and see that Ash too has stopped his movements. "Watch the camp Ash. We won't be gone long." Cato says running toward the forest. I look at ash as the others chase after him. Ash just waves me away.

"Don't die." i say quickly running to catch up.

"Same goes for you!" Ash calls out as i hit the edge of the forest. The trees and bushes are a blur. I've almost lost them. I follow the sound of whops and hollers and the crunching of leaves. Glimmer is a blonde blur as she jumps over logs trying to keep up with Marvel who is chasing Clover and Cato. The smell of smoke is really strong now. It burns my nostrils and makes me cough. What a stupid idea. Run straight for the fire. What a good idea, but suddenly the smoke is gone like a big vacuum has sucked it up. The forest is no longer bright red ahead of us. We come to a slow stop. Nothing. There was nothing waiting for us. Cato and Clover looked confused. I can hear Glimmer's ragged breathing from where i am at the back of the group.

"It was a bust. There's nothing out here." Cato says a bit angrily. He kicks the ground and turns around. Then a figure emerges form the trees. It's small and clad in dark clothing. I can't see who it is but they're off in a flash. Cato has turned around at the sound of Clover's yell of,

"AFTER HER!" then we're off again. So it's a girl. Whose left? Glimmer, Clover, Rue, Foxface. Me. Who else? I hopped to god it was anyone but Rue. The figure scrambles up a tall tree. the branches stretch out warm and inviting. I'm itching to climb them but now is not the time. Who is up there? Clover curses as she glares up at the girl. "Shoot her down!" she tells me angrily. Glaring at me. I follow her eyes and look up at the girl in the trees. Rue. I'm shell shocked. No. No. No. Rue? Why did it have to be Rue! She was looking down on us like an angel from heaven. Scared, yet calm. Was she expecting death? "Fine i'll do it!" Clover shouted grabbing my bow and taking an arrow before i can stop her. She lifts it up and aims but it's a bad angle and she's ill practiced. It misses by a long shot and sets itself into a branch of the tree.

Rue is hugging the trunk of the tree for dear life eyes squeezed shut. Clover lets out a frustrated groan and starts to grab another arrow from my back. I have my knife out in a flash pressed up against her throat. "Just give me my bow!" i tell her angrily. Clover shoves it back into my hand with a sneer. I roll my eyes and notch an arrow. I'm going to miss. Not because i'm a bad shot but because there was no way i was going to shoot a little girl out of a tree. I look up at her the sunlight is shining through the limbs of the trees. I squint. Rue looks terrified now. Does she know i'm a good shot? Had she overheard Peeta and I. I don't remember ever talking about it. She looks down sadly and i twitch my wrist toward the right as i shoot. This arrow embeds itself right next to the other one. Rue makes no move to take them out and she doesn't move around the tree to get out of range. I make the best frustrated groan i can.

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