I'll Forget

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"Morning.." i mumble as i head into the kitchen. I have a strong desire to wrap my arms around his waist and hug him from behind as he cooks something that smells incredible by the stove. Instead i go to stand next to him, my back against the wooden counter.

"Good morning." he says flipping over two slabs of meat.

"What are you doing?" i ask.

"Making breakfast. What does it look like?" he replies a smile in his eyes. I try not laugh.

"Sorry dumb question. I'm just tired." Peeta shrugs as he turns off the counter and goes to wash his hands.

"It wasn't a dumb question. Did you sleep well?" he asks. I shrug as he glances back at me.

"Yeah, your bed is just like mine so i felt at home." i say gliding my hands over the smooth wood. He wipes his hands on a towel and goes to a cupboard grabbing some plates out of it.

"Good." is all he says. He uses the spatula to place the meat on the two plates and heads toward the counter across from us setting the plates down. As he does so something pops up from the rectangle box in a corner. I jump with it. "Are you ok?" Peeta asks as he picks the two things up out of the metal box. It's bread but.. Toasted.. Toast?

"So that's what that does." i say slowly staring at the plate he's handing me. I look back up at Peeta who is smiling broadly.

"You didn't know what that was?" he asks.

"Well i didn't exactly have a toaster at my house. We sort of just stuck the bread into the fire for a while... Don't laugh at me." i tell him.

"I'm not laughing." he says with a shake of his head as we walk toward his table.

"But you are smiling and smiling leads to laughter." on cue he laughs.

"Ok yeah you're right." he says picking up his toast and biting down into it. We're silent for a bit. I nibble the edges of my bread quietly and watch him. He swallows sighs and opens his mouth. "Do you remember last night?" he asks. I see him tense up waiting for my answer. I place my bread back down on my plate.

"Not really. Did i do something horrendous? I'm sorry." he grins and his shoulders relax.

"No you didn't. I didn't either in case you were wondering." Liar.

"I bet you're just saying that. I bet you did or said something really embarrassing and you just don't want me to remember." i joked giving him the opportunity to reconcile. Instead he shakes his head and laughs.

"Nope. Not much happened. We got drunk and we fell asleep. That's all." i nod slowly loosing my appetite quickly but not wanting to show it. I cut a small piece of the meat off the bone. I don't know what kind it is certainly nothing I've ever tasted before. "It's from the Capitol." Peeta says recognizing the confusion on my face. "I don't know what it is either." he says with a frown then a shrug as he cuts another piece and puts it in his mouth.

"Do you import a lot of stuff from the Capitol?" i ask. He swallows and looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah. I don't know. Mostly food, art supplies... Does that make me a bad person? Throwing around money when a lot of people don't have it?" he says. I reach out and touch his hand waiting for him to recoil or flinch. Pull away. He does nothing.

"No. I mean what else are we suppose to do with the money besides buying lavish things and throwing it onto the street." he chuckles and grows silent. I cut up my meat and slowly place it bit by bit into my mouth. I don't taste it and i barely feel it as it goes down my throat.

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