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I wake slowly. My head is pounding and I'm dizzy. Everything is spinning. I close my eyes and clamp my hands over my ears to block out the insufferable ringing. It helps a little. When I'm finally able to sit up I shake my head and look around. "Peeta." I call out weakly. My throat is dry and voice is hoarse. If he's outside the cave he probably can't hear me. I try it again but louder. "Peeta!" My voice echos off the walls of the cave. I wait. I don't hear anything. I blink and shake my head. I'm forgetting something. What have I... I gasp and clamp my hand over my mouth. It all comes rushing back. The feast. His promise. Getting drugged. "Peeta." I gasp out scrambling to stand. He's left me food and water but I'm crawling toward my bow.

Grimacing I pull it onto my lap and try to stand. I grip the cave wall and use my steel bow to help me stand. It's hard work but I make it up. The effort blurs my vision and I almost fall again but I'm determined to stand. I have to find Peeta. The sun is low in the sky as I exit the cave. I've been out almost a full day. Grinding my teeth I try to walk a couple steps on my own and collapse. I crumple to the ground in a heap my legs out in front of me. I'm sitting up which is pretty amazing. But the trees are moving. Switching places like it's a dance. I groan and pull at the bandages on my leg. It looks really bad. The blood poisoning is spreading probably up to my heart by this point. I toss the bandages aside.

My leg is swollen to an abnormal size. Puffy and red. I press my fingers against my temple trying to clear my head. I take deep breaths in and out. That's when I hear it. A crunching over leaves the snapping of twigs. I have enough energy to bring my bow around and notch an arrow in the general direction of the noise. A figure appears and I let the arrow fly. "Hey!" Peeta shouts managing to duck . The arrow I beds itself into a tree next too him. "Catora?" Peeta says in both surprise and anger.

"Peeta!" I gasp out. I hold my arms out to him like a little child. He yanks my arrow out of the tree then comes over and wraps me up in his arms. "I'm sorry!" I cry out clinging to him. "I thought you were one of the other tributes." I stutter.

"Catora." Peeta murmurs. He picks me up easily leaving my bow and arrows on the ground.

"No.. Wait.." I say trying to grab for them.

"We have to get you inside first." Peeta says lowly placing a small kiss on my lips. I stop struggling and just let him carry me back in. He sets me down slowly then goes back out for my weapons. He's left the bag if what I presume is the medicine on the ground. I reach for it stretching my arms. I grasp the strap and pull it closer. I pull away the zippers revealing a small canister of something sticky and a needle filled with some clear liquid. My medicine? Peeta emerges as I'm about to jab the needle into my arm. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Peeta says grabbing up the needle.

"It's my medicine." I say weakly.

"Are you sure?" Peeta asks examining the small needle turning it over and over in his large hands. I shrug. I'm not sure. I'm assuming. Peeta bends down closer to me and I examine his face. There's a long line of blood running down the side of his face.

"You're hurt." I murmur touching his face running my finger over the dried blood. Peeta smirks. "What?" I ask confused.

"You're worried about a cut on my face when you have a giant gash on your leg." Peeta says trying not to laugh. I frown at him.

"It does sound silly." I say holding my hand out for the needle.

"Are you sure?" Peeta asks placing it in my hands. I nod. "I don't know how to.. I'm sorry." Peeta says looking down. He's talking about the needle. He doesn't know how to give me the medicine.

"It's ok. I think I know how to." I say sitting up and tearing off my jacket. My skin is pale, so finding a vein is easy. I puncture my skin and push down on the end. Almost instantly I feel a calming cooling relief. My fever breaks almost instantly. I pull the needle out and drop it. My hands are trembling from the cold now. Peeta scoops it up and puts it in the ouch and brings out the canister.

Arrows in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now