New Make and Model

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We slid off the other side of the Cornucopia not wanting to go near the body. When my legs hit the ground i almost crumbled but Peeta caught me and kept me steady. My adrenaline lost all i really wanted to do was fall asleep. We staggered away from the Cornucopia everything we had once carried was no gone. I dragged my bow along the ground behind me before slowly un-clenching my fists and dropping it, flexing my fingers. "What's going on? Did we win?" i ask quietly as i try to stand on my own.

"I don't know?" Peeta said in more of a question than a statement.

"What could they be waiting for?" i say to myself. Peeta opens his mouth but it's not his voice that comes out. It's that of Claudius Templesmith's.

"Greetings to the final contestants of the Seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games. The earlier revision, allowing two tributes from the same District is being.. Revoked. Only one winner can be allowed. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor." his voice booms out. In less than a second Peeta and i pull apart. Were staring at each other. I'm shocked he looks more.. Scared. He takes a tentative step toward me and i stumble backwards.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Peeta says calmly pulling out his knives and chucking them aside. I keep my eyes on his face drinking in ever inch of it. I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to kill myself.

"B-but i can't kill you." i stuttered out.

"You have too." Peeta says taking another step toward me. I shake my head violently.

"You can't make me." i say quietly. My lips begin to shake.

"Catora, please. I'm willing to die. Go back to your family." he says carefully. I shake my head and my voice comes out roughly as i shout.

"You're my family! You! I can't live without you!" he looks at me in surprise, a pained expression on his face. He looks at the ground then back up at me.

"Please Catora." Peeta says closing the distance between us and wrapping his arms around my back.

"No!" i shout as he grips me tightly. I wrap my arms around him protectively. After everything. After all that. They're going to take him away from me anyways. His lips crash into mine with an emotion i can't decipher. Hunger? Desire? Passion? His eyes closed he looks away letting me go. I pull out my knife and step away from him. "I can't kill you." i whisper pressing the point of the knife to my stomach.

"Catora!" Peeta shouts scared out of his mind he tries to grab for it but i jump out of his way and back up.

"Please Peeta! Just let me do this." i beg.

"No! Never!" he looks like he's about to go insane. "Give me the knife!" he shouts. My hands shake so badly. The blade draws blood. "Catroa." Peeta says sounding agonized. He's biting his lip watching the knife. I'm hesitating. I don't want to die but if i have to in here it better by my own hands. Then Peeta's eyes light up and he pats his pockets. Digging his hand into the right pocket of his pants he pulls out. Berries. I gasp. Nightlock. He has Nightlock. "I can kill myself faster than you." he warns. "One. I only need one." he says holding up a single berry. "Ill be dead faster than you can stab yourself." he says darkly.

"Peeta!" i gasp wanting to smack the berries out of his hand. then it hits me. the berries. "Peeta." i say again dropping the knife and stepping toward him. He steps back once but lets me stand in front of him. I pry open his hand and spill some of the berries into my open palm. "They don't get a victory." i say slowly. "There will be no winner this year." i meet Peeta's eyes. This is a dangerous move. They might just let us die but at least we'd be doing it together. Peeta glances at the berries then his eyes flick back and scan my face.

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