Dinner Date

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"So what was Mrs. Hawthorne saying about dinner last night?" Peeta asks. I bit my lip as we turn a corner and head back up to the merchant area.

"I sort of lied to her yesterday." I said blushing from embarrassment. "She wanted to know where I had been and if I'd been up running around with you. I told her we were both busy and hadn't seen each other much but that sounded like we were trying not to be together so I lied and said we were doing something last night." Peeta smirked.

"And we actually did. Sort of.. Minus the dinner." I nod.

"Minus the dinner." I echo.

"Do you want to do something like that?" he asks suddenly stepping in front of me so that i almost run into his chest.

"Umm i don't know.." i say slowly backing up a bit but not far enough away so we're not holding hands. Peeta shrugs and looks down at the ground a little embarrassed.

"I actually can cook." he offers.

"Well if you really want to we can. I'm not good at that. The best i can do is bread and cheese." Peeta laughs though I'm fairly certain that wasn't very funny.

"Alright it's a date then..." he smiles then seems to realize what he just said and begins to correct himself. "I mean not a date. I just.." i put my hand up to stop him.

"Calm down i know what you meant." he blushes and we keep walking back toward the Victor Village. I expect him to let go of my hand in fact i anticipate it but it never comes. Not until we reach my house.

"Well umm i'll see you later tonight i guess." Peeta says giving my hand one last squeeze. I nod solemnly and form my lips into a smile.

"Thank you for doing this." Peeta shrugs.

"It's no big deal." But it is a big deal. It means a lot to me and he just doesn't know that. I don't tell him this however and instead i smile and nod and say my goodbye. I walk back into the house and shut the door, but just as quickly i slip out the back door and proceed to hop the fence of my large backyard into that of the empty house next door. I continue to do this until i reach the end of the Victro Village. I don't want Peeta to know I'm going back to the Hob for more alcohol.
I reach Rippers table and place down more coins than i had the last time with a grim look on my face.

"Well girly! Back already?" she crows gleefully. "If this keeps up i'll be rich!" she cries out handing me eight bottles this time. I don't say anything. With a curt nod of my head i shove all the bottles into my bag and hope they won't fall out or break when i hop fences later. But as i begin to walk back toward the merchant area i find myself turning toward the direction of my house. No. I can't go there. I don't live there. So i try to play it off and wind up in the bakery. I push open the door and hear a soft ding as the door hits a bell overhead. I glance at it then back down at the counter. What do i want? Nothing actually maybe i should leave. Too late. One of Peeta's older brothers, i forget which. It might've been Corin or it might've been Tanner. I couldn't tell. Peeta and his brothers actually look very similar. I don't know how i never noticed before.

"Oh!" he says in surprise blinking in disbelief as he wipes his hands on his apron.

"Hi!" i say putting a smile on my face.

"Hello Catora?" he says it like a question.

"Yes and you're Corin.. Right?" i ask.

"Tanner." shoot.

"Sorry the three of you look very similar." i say running a hand through my hair in embarrassment. Tanner shrugs.

"I'm the better looking of the three." i find myself laughing which is nice.

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