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"Peeta what did you do.." she said eyes wide, stumbling on her words. She started to waver and would've fallen over if i hadn't caught her.

"I'm so sorry." i murmured over and over. She didn't struggle and she didn't say anything else. She was out cold. I breathed in and out slowly. I slowly set her down on the ground. I was hopping the medicine would last all night and through the day. She had been sleeping fitfully last night. Twisting and turning in my arms and calling out softly. More than once she had said my name or Rue's. Even Gale's name came up but mine was more frequent. I clenched my fists and sat on the ground in front of her knees up just watching her. Her face was blank, calm. She looked peaceful in her sleep. I ran a hand through my hair.

I knew i promised i wouldn't go but i can't just watch her die. I won't watch her die. Even though our whole love affair is just a facade she's the only person i have right now. I can't lose her. I watched the rise and fall of her chest as i waited for the sun to come up. I hoped it wouldn't be too late for her and i hoped i would meet little opposition at the Feast. Which wasn't likely. If we all needed something everyone would be there. Who was left? Clover and Cato, Catora and I, Thresh and... I thought hard for a couple seconds staring into the darkness. Foxface.

It's what Catora had nicknamed her and it fit her well. I haven't seen any of them since i first booked it from my pedestal. Thresh, Cato and Clover seemed like forces to be reckoned with. If anything Foxface was just hard to catch. I glanced over at Catora again. She looked pained. Catora whimpered and i moved closer to her. "Shh." i whispered pulling her onto my lap and stroking her hair. She responded almost immediately the look of pain vanished form her face. Sometimes it felt like she actually loved me, my head keeps telling me she does. I haven't known Catora to be an actor. Well i don't really know her at all, but she doesn't strike me as the kind of person who could fake something, but if she really does love me...

No. Stop. She doesn't. I shook my head tryign to clear it. No she can't love me. With a heavy sigh i looked out toward the mouth of the cave. It would still be awhile before day broke. I suppose i could go out now and check the Cornucopia see if it's already out then just grab it and run. I highly doubt it though. They said tomorrow. I looked back down at Catora. I almost expected her to open her eyes but i remembered i drugged her. I winced. Kissing her forehead i slowly eased her back down onto the ground. Then taking up a knife i walked over to the opening of the cave and leaned up against it watching the night sky.

The stars shimmered in the air and the air smelled sweet. I took in a deep breath before putting the knife into my waistband. I grabbed up the canteens and headed down to the river. She's still burning up. I should try to cool her down. I told myself. I washed my hands of derbies into the river then dunked in the bottles. I pulled them back out and walked back to the cave. Dampening some bandages i laid it over her forehead. Catora shivered but didn't wake.

I sat back down next to her facing the opening of the cave. I wondered how the others were faring. Were they doing as well as us or worse? Clover and Cato must be having a hard time. They're trained to fight. to kill. Not how to hunt for food. But maybe they are. I wouldn't know. As far as i know blowing up the Career's food has never happened before in the history of the games. I smiled down at Catora. Ash had come up with the idea Rue and Catora just carried it out. These games were different. I could feel it. They had already made it possible for the two of us to go home.

I touched her face gingerly. Even now she looked beautiful. I had always known she was. There was no doubting that. That night in the chariot i couldn't stop looking at her. The flickering flames quite literally illuminated her face. And seeing her in her interview dress almost made my heart stop. I hopped she hadn't noticed. She had literally taken my breath away. I was right about the flames. They looked good on her.

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