Into the Green

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A couple days later it's a Saturday and I'm idly laying on my bedroom floor rubbing my hands over the soft luscious carpet. I have nothing better to do. Peeta's been keeping a close eye on me. If i go outside my house he's on me in a second asking where I'm going and if he should come with me. I don't have drinking to fill my days and i don't need to go out hunting with Katniss and Gale though i probably should. Money is good. Food is better. I don't have friends to pass the time away with that aren't Gale or Katniss and i doubt Peeta counts. And I don't have a hobby like Peeta does. I have nothing.

With a sigh i sit up and draw my knees to my chest wrapping my thin arms around my legs. Peeta doesn't think I'm eating enough so he comes over everyday with breakfast, lunch and dinner. We've been spending too much time together and i don't know how i feel about that. It still hurts to see him. I don't know what to feel around him. I mean we're not really friends though that's probably how he see's us and we're not in love and that's how i want to see us. It's all making my head spin. I uncurl myself and begin to stand. It's too hot and sticky to stay inside but if i go out Peeta will be there right beside me and i don't know if i want that. Besides i want to go into the woods and i don't know if Peeta would want to go with me. I perk up.

Maybe he won't go with me and i'll actually be left alone in a place i love. The thought makes me smile though i knew it shouldn't. Peeta is just trying to look out for me but in doing so he's smothering me. I change into better lighter clothes and put my hair up in a braid for the first time in a long time. Feeling satisfied i grab my hunting bag and take the stairs two at a time and slip out of the door. I walk slowly waiting for the familiar slam of another door as Peeta races out toward me. SLAM! There it is. "Hey Catora!" Peeta calls out. I stop by the fountain and wait for him to catch up. "Where you going?" he asks.

"The woods. I haven't been since i got back." i tell him. He nods.

"Can i come with you?" he asks. The question startles me.

"You want to come with me?" i say. He shrugs.

"Why not. I have nothing better to do and i've never been past the fence. I want to see." he tells me. I don't say anything at first.

"It's not like the woods in the Games Peeta." i say swiftly trying to make him understand.

"I don't really see a difference. Out there animals can kill you in the arena it's people and we're animals too." i'm shocked by his words and i want to tell him that no i don't want him to come i just want to be alone but instead my mouth speaks before my brain can fathom what I'm saying.

"Ok." And we're off. He pulls my hand out of my pocket and laces our fingers together. He's been making a show of us when we're out. We have to be connected in some way. Whether it's holding my hand, or placing an arm around my shoulder. We haven't kissed since the camera we're last upon us. He kisses my cheek or forehead every now and then but it's not the same. I'm beginning to forget what it feels like to have his lips on mine and the feeling he gave me.

"Catora." Peeta says.

"Mmh?" i ask confused. I spaced out. I think he asked me a question.

"Where are we going? You lead the way." he says gesturing with his other hand out toward the fence. We can see it from where we're standing in the Seam. People are beginning to surround us but we gave them money earlier. "We'll be back tomorrow. We promise just not right now." Peeta says politely. Still they beg.

"Come on." i mummer pulling on Peeta's arm. They don't follow us once we hit the green grass that grows around the fence. I listen for the slight crackling noise to signify that it's on. It never is. "Come on." i say pushing aside a bush to reveal a hole in the fence.

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