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When the anthem ends two Peacekeeprs grab us on both sides. "Hey!" i said defiantly. They loosened their grip but did't let go. Maybe tributes have tried to escape before. I think to myself. Well they needn't worry about me. I wasn't going to run away. I had made my decision. A pretty quick one at that too. We were shuffled into a long hallway and then pushed into separate rooms. I've been in the Justice Building before. I recall a project Katniss, Madge and I did a while back. She had taken us into one of these rooms and we sat on the floor so we could have space. I sat down on the leather couch and it squeaked as I did.

We get an hour. An hour to say goodbye to our loved ones. I sit there in silence wondering who will be first. Katniss, or my parents. They will both be fairly upset. I have the urge to cry. I choke it down though. We still have to wave goodbye to the cameras and I do not want to go out there with a puffy face and red eyes. I need to look strong. I don't want to look like a target. I probably already do though. I'm not very tall. Only about 5'6 and even though I've had enough food to eat I'm about as tiny as Katniss. All the fresh air and hunting as bulked me up though. I used to be flat as a board. The muscles have curved me out. Plus puberty. I take a couple deep calming breaths. This is taking too long shouldn't someone have come in by now? I spoke too soon.

My parents burst into the room. I stood up and my mom came flying at me. I expected a hug and lots of tears. Instead. She slapped me. Hard across the face. I was to stunned to do anything but stare. My mother had both her hands over her mouth now, she couldn't believe she had done that either. Then she burst into a fresh wave of tears, shielding her face from me. My dad stood there then slowly came over and wrapped his arms around my moms shoulders. "Mom." I started.

"WHY DID YOU VOLUNTEER FOR HER!" She screamed at me.

"Mom please!"

"You should have let her die!" She screamed. I was angry now.

"I couldn't just let my best friend die!" I shouted back. It was quiet. My mom looked up at me. Her face was red and tears stained her cheeks. I'd never seen her so upset. Her usual neat hair had come undone from its bun and it fell messily over her face.

"But now you're going to die." My mom whispered touching my cheek.

"I won't die. I can do this mom. I can win. You know I can hunt! Mom I'm good at it." I don't know if I was reassuring her or myself. She stroked my cheek with her thumb. My dad wouldn't look at me. "I'll come back. I promise." I whispered. She looked me in the eyes. They were fearful and sad but I could see the glimmer of hope. "I love you guys." I said wrapping my arms around the both of them. We stood there until the Peacekeepers came in and dragged them away.

"I LOVE YOU!" My mother screamed.

"I love.." The door slammed shut. "You." I stood their staring at the door. I was shaking. I needed to lay down or something. Just as I was about to collapse on the floor the doors opened again. Katniss. "Katniss." I breathed out. The doors closed and then she was on top of me. Somehow she had managed to knock me down and was now pinning my wrists to the ground.

"WHY'D YOU DO IT. WHY COULDN'T YOU LET ME DIE!" She screamed. She let go of one of my arms and tried to punch me but I grabbed her arm and then threw her off of me. I rolled up into a standing position. She came flying at me again. I caught both of her hands before they could inflict damage on my face.

"Katniss stop!" I screamed. She stared at me. There were tears in her eyes and she looked like a deranged lunatic.

"You can do this ok. You can't break down anymore. You have to be there for your mom and Prim." Katniss was shaking her head. "Yes, yes you can." I said.

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