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"Catora." someone shouts. I look up just in time to see Cato tossing me a sleeping bag. I almost drop it. I glide my hands over the fabric and look back up at Cato. He has a grim look on his face. Licking his lips he just nods in my direction and looks away. I don't say thanks. I set it down next to my still empty backpack. "Is there anything in there?" someone asks. Cato is standing about five feet away from me. He has a crate in his hands. I don't know what in it but i'm assuming he's moving it to the back of the Cornucopia with the others. I look down at my deflated backpack.

"No." i say honestly.

"Why not?" he asks. The only response i can come up with is a shrug.

"Do you really want me to take your guys stuff?" i ask. With a roll of his eyes he sets the crate down and grabs my backpack. He fills it with ease. More food and water than i would ever give myself if i was in their position. A couple knives, medical supplies.

"Well when we go out i don't want you complaining about being hungry." he says.

"I wouldn't do that." i tell him. He snorts.

"I don't doubt that." he says mildly.

"If she doesn't want anything don't give her anything." Clover says. In an instant Cato has his sword in hand pointed at her chest. She's startled but is quick enough to pull a knife from her belt.

"She's part of this team for now. She'll get the same as the rest of us." Glimmer and Marvel aren't paying much attention. I watch as Clover slowly nods and Cato puts his sword away. He walks back toward me and sets my backpack down next to the rest of my stuff.

"Thanks." i mumble. He doesn't respond just walks away. Clover is sulking in a corner. Serves her right. I guess..

Marvel and Glimmer are trying to start a fire but they suck at it. They obviously didn't go to the fire starting station during training. Seeing them struggle makes my brain hurt. With a sigh I get up and walk toward them. "Let me see it." I say holding out my hand to Marvel. He looks at it, then back up at me, then at my hand. "You're doing it wrong." I say impatiently. Cautiously he hands it over and stands up. I grab a couple of small twigs and dead grass then place them up against the giant log they were trying to ignite. Kneeling down I open the box of matches. "You have to start small." I explain. I strike the match and drop it on the little pile I had made. It seems to fizzle out and die. Smoke pours from it.

"You did it wrong too." Glimmer says a bit too triumphantly.

"Not likely. Smoke means it's working." I say. Adding a couple more twigs and some dry grass we watch as the whole log catches on fire. I look up at them. They look a bit impressed but it fades. I stand up and brush my hands off. "Keep it contained. We don't want the forest catching on fire." I say walking away.

"Thanks." Marvel replies cautiously. I look back at him and nod. The sun is setting. It's been a long day full of surprises. I can't believe I've joined the careers. I watch the sun set from my solitary spot. Clover has moved closer to the group. They're all talking quietly maybe about me but I can't hear. They're sitting in a circle around the fire. I'm colder than I thought I would be but I'm not going near them. I won't be sleeping tonight. Or the next night. It depends on how long I stay with them.

They began to drift off. Glimmer first then Marvel. I can see Clover fighting it but she won't last long. Her head keeps drooping. She pulls herself out of it with a start. Cato murmurs something to her and she seems to nod. She falls back onto her sleeping bag and doesn't stir. I lay back on the ground and stare up at the sky. I didn't think they would have stars in the arena. I hadn't really thought about scenery. They're not like the stars back home which means this isn't really the night sky. I sigh and put my hands behind my head. Suddenly a dark form blocks my view. In an instant I'm on my feet bow in hand and arrow notched. "I thought you were asleep." Cato says.

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