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I tugged at the fabric on my arm. My hands were slippery with sweat so it didn't do much to help my trapped skin breath. I was in a spandex outfit. It covered me from the base of my neck to my ankles. My only triumph was that Peeta was dressed similarly. He could feel my pain. He tugged at the fabric around his neck. The outfit made him look so much better. The muscles in his arms popped out. I tried not to stare. On our feet were leather boots. Laced up tightly. They were fairly heavy which could be a good thing. I would have to plant myself to the chariot. I didn't want to fall off and make a scene. Now that would be bad. I am not wearing much makeup surprisingly. Cinna said he doesn't want to draw away from the fire.

"I want people to recognize you . The girl on fire." he seemed way to excited for this. What really makes this costume are the capes and head pieces. They're splashed with red's and yellows. They are what is going to be lit on fire. I nudged Peeta with my elbow. He was standing next to me about a foot away. He looked down at me.

"What do you think about this whole on fire thing?" i asked. He steps a bit closer and says lowly in my ear.

"I'll rip of your cape if you rip off mine." i nod slightly. I would rather have burned hands than burn to death. Once the full team is assembled we rush down to the bottom of the Remake Center. The ceremonies are about to start soon and this is where all the tributes will wait before rolling out in their chariots when their District is called.

Being number 12 we'll be last so we would have a while to wait. I watch as the other tributes pile into their chariots. Their stylists flutter around them like birds fixing minuscule things. Our chariot is coal black along with the horses. They are so well trained they don't even need someone to drive them. they stand at attention ready and waiting to move out. We're both hustled onto the chariot and as i stand at attention waiting for the first chariot to pull out of the room Peeta says something to me. "I know we promised Haymitch we wouldn't argue with the stylists. But isn't this a bit too much?" i nodded in agreement.

"Where is he anyways? Isn't he the least bit concerned about what may be going on down here?" i questioned. Peeta snorted.

"He practically bleeds alcohol. It's best not to have him around an open flame." startled i looked up at him. Suddenly we're both laughing. The first time i've laughed since i've been out of District 12. Some of the other tributes glance up at us confused. This is not a time for laughter they seem to say.

The music signaling the start of the ceremony blares through the speakers and vibrates through the walls. Sliding doors open at the front of the room. The crowds roar is almost deafening. This whole thing will take maybe twenty minutes. The whole time we'll have to smile and wave. We'll have to look delighted to be offered up as tributes. We will end at City Circle then after a short speech from President Snow we will be whisked away to the Training Center. Where we will live (be imprisoned) until the games begin.

The tributes from District 1 pull out of the room smiles on their faces. They're actually glad to be here. They are pulled by snow white horses and look beautiful spray painted silver. Their robes glisten with jewels. The crowd goes wild. The first three Distrct's are crowd favorites. They're usually the ones that win. District 2 falls in line ready to move out. Before long it us just us in there. District 11 is pulling out onto the "runway" i guess you could call it. The sky is growing darker. I hadn't realized what time it was. Cinna is walking toward us a torch in his hands. He's going to light us on fire.

I brace myself clenching my fists waiting for the burning sensation. I feel nothing. It's slighter hotter but not by much. I can't feel the flames. I look at Peeta and almost jump away. He's on fire. The small gold headband he's wearing has disappeared engulfed in flame. It surrounds him like a halo. But nothing is burning. The fire is just. There. His cape is entirely on fire now. It started at the top but slowly spread to the bottom. The fire was licking at his ankles. But he didn't cry out in pain. He too has a shocked expression on his face as he takes in my outfit. I'm sure i look the same.

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