We Can Go Home

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I kiss him back only to be break apart seconds later. The sound of trumpets blasts throughout the arena. I gasp and quickly try to stand. It's the last time I'll see Clover's face. I want to be there. I try to get up but fail. Peeta catches me and half walks half carries me to the entrance of the cave. We get there just as Clovers face appears in the night sky. Since it's a a hologram she's staring at us grimly. She reaches up and tucks a loose a strand of hair behind her ear. Then her image fades and it's the spinning seal of the Capitol. The trumpets blare one last note then it's silent. "Clover and I didn't like each other but..." I stop not knowing how I should finish that sentence. It's not right to speak ill of the dead.

"But you still didn't want her dead." Peeta finishes. I look up at him and nod slowly. His eyes are brighter now than ever on the moonlight. Peeta gives me a small smile. "Let's go back inside." He says. I nod and we stumble back into the cave. "You should sleep." Peeta says as I sit back down.

"I don't know how I could ever sleep again." I respond crossing my arms over my chest.

"You should try anyways." Peeta says smiling as he leans my bow back up against the wall.

"Only if you sleep too." I say holding out my hand to him.

"You just need an excuse for me to sleep next to you." Peeta says with a smirk but he complies anyways taking my hand and sitting down next to me. I shift over in my sleeping bag and unzip it. "What?" He asks confused by my motions.

"You're going to get cold." I say patting the space next to me. I can see Peeta is thinking long and hard about this. On one had he doesn't want to intrude on my personal space on the other hand we have to play up this whole star crossed lovers thing. Peeta nods slowly and it's all I can do to contain my excitement. Peeta gets in the sleeping bag with me kicking off his shoes. The only was we fit is if Peeta wraps his arms around me and I lay on his chest. So we do just that.

"Now go to sleep." Peeta murmurs kissing my forehead and I do just that. Drifting off into some beautiful dream where Peeta and I survive this and live happily ever after.

I wake up to the sound of Peeta snoring softly. I almost laugh out loud but don't. His amrs are still wrapped around me but they fall away when i push myself of his chest propping myself up with one arm. I stare down at his face. He looks so cute like this. I smile and reach up pushing back his hair. Somehow it has managed to stay silky soft throughout the games. I touch the side of his face where i know his cut is. I gasp. It's gone. There's a faint scar but that's it.

Peeta sits up immediately and almost bangs his head into mine. Somehow i manage to roll over in the small space. Suddenly Peeta is on top of me and i'm laughing. He props himself up the same way i did and just sort of stares down at me like he can't comprehend wha'ts going on. "What?" he asks hoarsely.

"Did you know you snore in you're sleep?" i tease poking his chest. Peeta uses his other hand to rub his eyes.

"So i've been told." he says lowly.

"It's cute." i say softly. He smiles.

"Why'd you gasp? What's wrong?" he asks full of concern now.

"Your cut." i say reaching up to touch his face. "It's gone." i said gently not wanting to get my hopes up but it doesn't hurt anymore. My leg that is. I can't feel any pain. That's either a good thing or a sign that something has to be amputated. Peeta touches the faint scar and in one swift motion unzips the sleeping bag. He tumbles out and lands on his knees. We push down the sleeping bag and tear off the new bandages we had put on when i ate yesterday. Peeta gasps and so do i.

"It looks so much better!" he exclaims happily. He's right. The blood poisoning is gone and the whole area is puffy and red but considerably less. The gash itself is ugly and purple but closed almost fully.

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