A Compromise

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I clear my throat. I need to be loud. Clear on my intentions. "Now." i say as loudly as i can without feeling like i'm screaming. "I'm going to run away into the woods." they look back and forth at each other. The giant muscle guy from two is looking at me with curiosity. He doesn't seem in the slightest bit scared. That's what scares me. "You are NOT. Going to follow me." i say. I scan them again. The boy from one and the girl from 2 don't seem to know what to do. Theyr'e looking at the boy from two. Is he the leader? "I can kill you." i say. "All of you. You will never reach me." i say for emphasis. I can do it. I know i can. Kill the big one first. You know what they say. The bigger they are the harder they fall. The rest would be easy.

"And i don't doubt that." the boy calls out. He's smiling trying not to laugh. Now i'm really scared. He takes a step toward me.

"Stop walking!" i shout. He stops and holds his hands up as if to say i'm not going to hurt you, but i know better.

"Alright alright. You're pretty handy with that aren't you?" i don't answer. He's nodding and smiling. He's looking me up and down in a predatory way. I don't like where this is going. "Come here." he motions to the girl from his district. She whips her head around to look at him. She bobs her head toward me and focuses her attention back on me. "She won't shoot you." he said dismissively. She doesn't seem to sure. "Come now." he barks. It's an order. She quickly moves to his side. I didn't shoot. He looks back at me with a sly smile. How could he have known. "You two. Come here." he yells at the other two.

They huddle in together keeping their eyes on me. Making sure their backs aren't toward me. Theyr'e talking in low hoarse whispers. I hear short clipped sentences. Things like "But she's the girl on fire!"


"Weak" I swallow. Maybe i can run away while they bicker. I take a step back but Cato notices. He stares, setting his cold unforgiving eyes on me. I freeze. He goes back to their conversation.

"I don't care what you think!" he shouts not trying to hide the anger in his voice or how loud he is. He crosses his arms and they stand up from their hunched over position. They all look just a little bit pissed off. "Girl on Fire come here." he demands. I don't move.

"I have a name." i shout back.

"What is it?" he asks a bit annoyed. I don't answer. What is going on. Should i run away still? What do they want with me? Why does he want to know my name. Every fiber in my body is telling me to run. Take flight and flee. My brain is telling me a different story. It want's to find out what they want. "We're not going to kill you." he says. I find myself laughing. It's a hard laugh. One of disbelief.

"Yeah right! Is that what you told them before you killed them." i said gesturing toward the bodies around me. They look around at their bloody mess. They seemed almost pleased. They're sick.

"Is that what you told that kid before you killed him?" he counters. He's trying to make me mad i can tell. I grit my teeth and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I wasn't close enough to tell him anything." i say clenching my jaw.

"But you had enough voice in you to shout duck? Why did you anyways. You could have let him kill her." the girl i saved looks at him a bit startled. Then she looks mad. Her expression says Are you mad she saved me? Then she turns her cold glare my way. I'm the source of hatred right now.

"Are you asking me if i regret my decision?" i asked. He thought about it and ran a hand through his hair. I blinked in surprise thinking of Peeta. He's still a person. Still human. He's a guy. I shake my head. No. He's a ruthless killer. He was born for this.

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