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We spent the rest of the day arranging things according to how Ash wanted them. I was shocked that Cato was letting him order them around. Cato was at least three years older than Ash but he seemed to be taking what Ash was saying to heart. At less the was being more respectful than Clover who kept glaring at us and rudely ignoring everything Ash said. Eventually Cato told her to, "Shut up and sit down or listen to him." So she sat down and shut up crossing her arms and forcefully kicking up the dirt on the ground. I rolled my eyes at her and when we were finished we had a great big pile of carefully stacked things and a small white stones as markers for the mines. I walked over to Ash who was surveying the work we had done.

"Why do they need to be placed like that?" I asked more than a little bit curious.

"Well if say for instance someone steps on one they're blown to pieces and scattered all over the place. So the other mines don't get it and the food is ok." I nodded thoughtfully understanding. "But if someone was to say I dunno drop multiple things on multiple mines then it won't matter. Those mines are blowing up and their food will be gone." He had a sly smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you suggesting something Ash?" I asked crossing my arms and looking at him in half amazement and half glee. Ash shrugged.

"That's all I'm saying." He said backing up hands in the air. I did a small laugh and shook my head looking at the ground.

"You know all those years without any social contact has made you a psychopath. A genius psychopath." I said lowly following him.

"I try." He said back. I smiled. I headed toward the outer edge of the group and Ash followed. I set down my bow next to my bag and quickly put the food Glimmer gave me earlier uneaten into a pocket with the other food I had been given. This not eating thing was not good but I was alive and I could eat later. "Do you sleep out here?" Ash asked setting down his things next to mine. Slowly I sat on the ground and rested my tense muscles. It had been a long day.

"I don't sleep." I said.

"You don't sleep." Ash echoed. I shook my head and he left it at that.

"Don't worry about them though." I said as he began to unravel is sleeping bag.

"I'm not worried. I mean they can kill me any time they want but I'm not worried." He said with a shrug as he sat down on his sleeping bag next to me. I sighed and looked out toward the forest. Though we had suggests it I wasn't sure if Ash really wanted to escape into the forest with me. Besides he seems like a nice guy but that could change in an instant. I couldn't let my guard down. "What are you thinking about?" Ash said breaking into my thoughts. I shrugged and he didn't ask again. Together we just stared out at the scenery. Slowly the sun started to set on the horizon. I shielded my eyes with my hand and watched the brilliant gold and orange slowly turn into purples and dark blues.

"Beautiful sunset." A voice said behind us. Startled I turned quickly and saw Cato standing behind us a smirk on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

"It was better when you weren't here." I replied standing up and brushing off my pants so I could look him squarely on the yes. Cato just rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys hungry?" Cato asked his eyes flickering toward Ash.

"What is this Tribute bonding time? Are we going to tell stories of out past and comfort each other?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm just asking if your hungry?" Cato sneered. I opened my mouth which was filled with more insults but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes we're hungry." He said calmly. I repressed a growl that had built up in the back of my throat. Instead I swallowed hard and gave Cato a cold stare. Cato shrugged and walked off and I guess he expected us to follow. With a hand on my shoulder Ash pushed me slightly forward. I sighed and tried to let go of all my anger by pressing my nails into the skin of my palm. "I know you don't like that guy but you have got to be hungry." Ash said letting go of me.

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