Not Such A Pretty Picture

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After about an hour of Peeta softly telling me that everything looks fine when clearly flowers are not two dimensional but three, i have given up hope. "I should've never asked. I knew everything would pale in comparison to what you've done." he gives me a small smile and lifts his head up off the desk to come stand behind me.

"I don't know your stick figures are the best i've ever seen." he laughs when i elbow him in the ribs.

"Don't patronize me." I reply. He holds up his hands in defense.

"I'm not! I promise. Honest observation." I roll my eyes and he laughs again. Shaking my head i sat and stretch out my arms and fold the paper in half.

"I'm going to throw this away so we don't have to look at it." I tell him waving the piece of paper in his face. Peeta has let me draw on several pieces of paper and hasn't let me throw anything away. I don't know if he's saving the paper so we don't waste it or he's being truthful in saying that they aren't that bad when clearly it's not like anything he's ever drawn.

"No Catora." He says snatching it out of my hands.

"But they suck." I mumble crossing my arms over my chest. Peeta rolls his eyes and doesn't reply setting the paper down with the others. With a sigh I run my hand through my tangled hair. "I think I should go home." I say tiredly.

"Well are you hungry? We've been up here a while." He says opening the door of the room. I shake my head.

"No I just. I want to go to sleep." I tell him. He nods and doesn't say anything as we head downstairs.

"I'll see you later." I tell him quietly. He nods as I walk out the door but doesn't say anything else. I rub my eyes and shield them form the blinding sunlight outside as i make the quick walk to my house. I open the front door, it's always unlocked, and as i turn to close it i see Peeta is still standing in his open doorway. I raise my hand and give a short wave of goodbye which he doesn't return. We close our doors.

I stand there my my forehead pressed against the door fingertips holding me there, my eyes closed. I don't know how long i stay there like that breathing in and out slowly but it must be a while because when i open my eyes again the sun is a little lower in the sky. Blinking rapidly i head back upstairs. I rip off my boots and throw down my jacket. Not bothering to get under the blankets i lay my head down on the pillows and fall to sleep.

My dreams are filled with Peeta and flowers. It's the happiest dream i've had in months. I wake to the sound of someone stepping into my room. Immediately i panic. Who could it be? Why did i leave the door unlocked? Are they going to kill me? I kick into over drive. Rolling off the bed and landing on the opposite side of it i pick up the heaviest thing i can find which turns out to be a lamp. I'm ready to hurl it at the intruder before i realize it's Peeta. "Sorry for waking you." He's wearing the same clothes as before so i know it's the same day. Or maybe it isn't and he's wearing something similar to what he wore the previous day. He has in hands up defensively like i might actually hurt him. I would've if i hadn't stopped to think for a minute.

"It's ok." i say putting the lamp back down and not taking my eyes off of him. "How long have i been asleep? Is it the same day?" i question. Peeta nods and lowers his hands.

"Same day. It's almost sunset. I wanted.. I wanted to show you something." he says nervously shifting his feet.

"Like what?" he shrugs. "Ok. Let me find my shoes." Peeta smiles slowly. I pull the boots back onto my feet and lace them up quickly. Peeta hands me my jacket that he picks up off the floor.

"It's a little chilly." he says quietly. I nod and shrug it on following him down the stairs. The sun is dipping low in the sky and Peeta takes off toward the gate near us that keeps the animals out and keeps us in. "It's this way. Hurry." he shouts behind me. This is unlike him. He seems excited, eager.

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