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I deliberately slowed my pace and Peeta matched it. I don't know why I felt so uneasy. Maybe because this was the first time it would be both of us. Maybe because we'd have to play up the whole "star crossed lover" bit. This was not good. I bit my lip and twisted the strings of my purse nervously. Peeta must've noticed because he said "Something bothering you?" He raised an eyebrow at me as we walked.

"No... I mean.. Not really.." I replied twisting the strings around my fingers. Peeta pulled his left hand out of his pocket and stopped my movements. I looked up at him.

"It's ok." He said and that was that. We walked the rest of the way holding hands. It reminded me of our chariot ride around the Capitol. I was so scared and nervous. Peeta was the only thing that kept me steady that night and he was doing the same now. As soon as we threaded our fingers together everything felt right. His grip was strong and his hand warm. I didn't want to let go.

"When we get to the Seam smile and place a coin in every open hand. It doesn't matter if they've been there more than once. Everyone gets one and don't stop walking." I instructed him. Peeta chuckled and looked down at the ground.

"Nothing. I just... Ok." He said with a smile after a pause. He squeezed my hand which surprised mess much I actually smiled.

"I've missed seeing you smile." I almost stopped walking. I hadn't thought he missed anything about me. Then we crossed the thresh hold. Hands. Hands everywhere. I did my best to smile as Peeta and i were let go. we would need both hands. One to hold the pouch the other to pass out the coins. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm. Nobody ever did that. I looked. It was a woman. Probably around the same age as Mrs. Everdean. Her face was streaked with dirt and sweat.

"Thank you my dear. You and your boy." she said flicking her eyes up behind me to where i could only assume Peeta was standing.

"It's our pleasure." i told her patting her hand. She released her grip on my arm and we were back into the crowd. Peeta managed to follow me through all of that and soon we were through the thick of it heading toward Katniss house.

"Where to now?" Peeta asked putting his empty puch back into his pocket and making a grab for my free hand. I let him.

"The Everdean household and then the Hawthorne household." i replied formally. He looked at me quizzically.

"I thought you said you were avoiding them?" i vaguely recall telling him that last night but i shake away the memory.

"I am, but I'm not avoiding their mothers." i said with a firm nod.

"Alright." Peeta said softly. We stopped just before the doorway of Katniss' house. "Catora." Peeta murmured next to me.

"I'm fine." i said slowly shaking my head.

"If you don't want me to come in.." he said hanging back but i tugged on his hand and he marched forward with me dutifully.

"Mrs. Everdean!" i called out as we stepped through the open doorway.

"Hello Catora." she said bustling out of her room wiping her hands on her apron. She stopped when she saw Peeta. "Oh, hello Peeta." she said with a smile.

"Hello ma'am." he replied respectfully. Mrs. Everdean waved him away.

"None of that. Just Mrs. Everdean if you please." she said lightly. Peeta nodded. I loosened my grip on Peeta's hand and took out my pouch spilling coins into it. "It's really not necessary." Mrs. Everdean says shaking her head still wiping her hands.

"You say that every time i come over her." i reply grabbing the box down from the shelf she has placed it on. I drop the coins into it and Prim emerges.

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