chapter forty-seven

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"What the-" I heard a voice say, I opened my eyes and saw that I was cuddled in to Judy's arms on the couch. I looked up, seeing the rest was also slightly waking up now. But I was confused about who just said something, I looked around again.

Braxton groaned because of his head ache and then I saw them standing in the doorway, looking at the huge mess. 

Red cups were scattered around the floor, some empty bottles and crisps were all on the ground. I got up and ran over to Ashton, who just looked at the house, shocked. I jumped in to his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and I slowly felt his arms around my waist.

"I missed you." I smiled and kissed him. "I missed you too." He smiled back. "But what the heck happened?" He put me down on the ground and looked at the house and then everyone woke up from his loud voice. 

Judy woke up and saw Michael. "Mike!" She yelled, getting up and running in to his arms. Michael held on to Judy for dear life, whispering sweet nothings in to her ear 

Luke and Calum were standing at the side, until I also hugged them. "Ugh, I missed you guys so much!" I laughed while pulling both of them in to a hug at the same time, my head in between theirs. The boys finally started walking in to the living room, saying hello to the rest that stayed over.

"Adam! Good to see you!" Ashton said, Adam wincing at how loud it was. "Hey." He said, getting up, waking up Cole who was still asleep, laying on top of him. Tiffany and Braxton were also slowly waking up, they had felt asleep together, Braxton being the big spoon.

Everybody said hello to everyone until Michael spoke up. "So, you made quite a big mess, Hannah." He said, I raised one eyebrow. "Yes Michael, I made all of this mess on my own." I looked at him. "Who's going to clean it all up?" He said.  

"Seriously, you've been home for five minutes, I haven't even gotten a hug yet and you already start complaining about things?" I asked him, annoyed. Ashton laid his hand on my lower back, maybe a bit more on my bum. I smiled at him and looked back at Michael.

"Sorry sis," He said and walked over to me, giving me a tight hug like Clifford's do. 

We all sat down and just started talking a bit, Tiffany and Braxton went home almost immediately. I hugged them both goodbye and said until Monday.

Cole and Adam stayed for breakfast, then asked how the tour went and went back home as well, leaving the boys alone together with Judy and me. I was sitting next to Ashton, cuddled in to his side. 

I shouldn't whine, because I had seen Ashton already. Judy hasn't seen Michael the whole tour. I really had missed them all, and now they were sharing pictures we hadn't seen before. It was all so cool to see, next tour I am coming with them, because I wanted to experience what Ashton experienced.

Ashton had pulled me upstairs to our room and pushed me on to the bed the second I closed the door. He kissed me, his hands roaming my hips and bum. I played with his hair and let out a soft moan, making him chuckle. 

I disconnected our lips and placed my forehead against his. "Take me with you next time?" I said, staring in to his eyes. He nodded, placing a kiss on my nose and getting up, staring with unpacking. 

I was laying on my side, staring at Ashton whilst we talked about everything that he had done this past month since I last saw him. "Hannah!" Luke yelled when I was in my room with Ashton whilst he was unpacking. "Yeah?" I asked looking up from where I was laying on the bed, he was standing in the doorframe, grinning as the cheshire cat. 

"What?" I asked him, he wasn't speaking but just starring at me. "Your nose." He then said, looking annoyed because of my oblivion. "What's wrong with my nose?" I asked him whilst bringing my hand to my nose and rubbing it, as if there was something on top of it.

"Oh my god you're so stupid." He groaned, letting his head fall back in annoyance. "Mate that's my girlfriend you're talking to." Ashton turned around, raising one eyebrow and pointing at me. "You're whipped." Luke said quickly and then starring back at me.

"We were going to get your nose pierced." He said and then I widened my eyes. "Oh I totally forgot!" I yelled and got on top of the bed. "Oh my god right now?" I asked him and he nodded. "Let's go!" Luke yelled back and I excitedly jumped off the bed, kissed a stunned Ashton and said goodbye. 

Luke and I basically ran towards the car, after saying goodbye to the others, that were all still unpacking. Luke had just opened his suitcase, thrown the clothing in his closet and then put all his other stuff on his dresser.

I sat quietly next to him until he stopped the car in front of a piercing and tattoo shop. I was getting a little nervous, but was happy Luke came with me, he knew what it felt like to get a piercing so he was there to comfort me. 

Luke grabbed his phone and started filming a video, pointing the camera at me. "Are you chickening out?" He asked, making me widen my eyes. "Hell no I'm not." He said, biting my lip. "Oh my god you are!" He laughed, making me laugh. "I am no!" I yelled, "prove it!" He yelled.

"Watch me!" I yelled, opening the door and running out of the car. Luke filmed me while I ran around the empty parking lot like a mad man. "You've lost your mind!" He started laughing uncontrollably, still filming. I walked over to him and grabbed his phone, pointing the camera at him. "And you haven't?" I asked him.

Luke bit the inside of my cheek and stared at me, "you're right." He said, grabbing the phone and  turning it to selfie mode. "We're crazy." Luke said, pulling me in to the frame. I rolled my eyes. "We'll see you after I pay someone to poke a hole in Hannah's nose, bye." He said and then ended the video, posting it on Twitter. I laughed and followed him in to the store.

"Luke!" I saw a guy shot up from out of his seat. "Jackson, my man!" He laughed and gave the man, apparently named Jackson a bro-hug. "Who is the girl you brought?" He then said, staring at me. "This is my friend, Hannah. She wants to get her nose pierced." He said and Jackson nodded, very interested.

"Well come over here so I can show you the different types of piercings." He said and I walked over to the wall. "You have to start with one of these and after a few months you can change it to whatever you like." He said, I just nodded, the nerves coming back a little.

"Pick a starter and sit down, kiddo." He smiled. "You are over sixteen, right?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yes." I said, I was really nervous so I stayed as quiet as possible. "Not that much of a talker, I see." He said but I smiled nervously. "She's really nervous." Luke laughed while sitting next to me.

"It's going to be fine, it's already in your nose before you feel the pain." Luke said and held on to my hand so I could squeeze in to it if needed. Then Jackson started cleaning my nose and showed me where he thought it would look best. Then he changed his plastic gloves one last time and he was ready to pierce me.

 "Okay I'm going to put it in, make sure you won't move, it will not make you pretty if you do." Jackson laughed and I just widened my eyes at him. "Relax!" Luke laughed and I just breathed out.

"Okay don't worry, I'm going to poke it in right now." Jackson said, but he didn't, he waited two seconds and then - OUCH. "Ah that hurt!" I laughed. "It's distraction, you think the pain is coming at that second and then it doesn't." He laughed. "Always fun." 

I groaned at the man who fixed the rest of the piercing, then I let go of Luke's hand and got up to look in the mirror. The small silver stone was just the extra touch in my appearance. I loved it. "Luke thank you so much!" I smiled and gave him a hug. 

"You're welcome!" He laughed and just hugged me back. "See it was a gift." He said, I thanked him again, he paid and we went back home.

When we got home, everyone was sitting on the couch and looked up when we walked in. "Let me see!" Judy got up, out of Michael's grip and ran over to my face. "It's lovely!" She smiled and I walked over to Ashton, who approved too.





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