chapter thirty-five

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"Are you ready, seriously, Hannah you are taking forever!" Judy screamed from down the stairs. Judy had been slightly annoyed by me. And it annoyed me that Judy was actually right, because I was taking forever to get ready.

I streaked out my flannel - which was actually Ashton's and grabbed my leather backpack. I stumbled down the stairs and saw Judy all ready and steady to go. "Finally, come on." She said, she turned around, her flowy white T-Shirt waving when she moved.

I just folllowed Judy into the car, and turned on the radio. "Excited for today?" Judy looked over at me, "It has been a few days since we've seen Adam. But other than that, I don't really know." I sighed, playing with the few rings on my fingers.

"Yeah, well, my job isn't something excited actually. You know, I kind of was planning on quitting it. But I think I'll keep the job for as long you are still on this school." Judy said smiling. "That's sweet, thanks." I smiled, Judy stopped the car in front of Starbucks and not our school. "So that's why we left five minutes earlier?" I chuckled, getting out and following her inside.

"Yeah, pretty much." We walked in the quiet shop, and the girl behind the counter smiled. "Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" She asked and we looked at her.

"I'll have a Caramel Macchiatto," Judy spoke. "And I'll have a Caramel Hot Chocolate." I nodded. "What size?" She asked, "Venti please," Judy said, we walked over to the other end of the counter and waited for our beverages to be ready.

"Here you go, have a nice day." She smiled as we grabbed our drinks. On the cups were our names written, and we didn't even tell her. "I might be a slight 5 Seconds of Summer fan." She winked, we laughed and walked out of the shop.

We hopped in to the car quickly and drove over to school. We had fifteen minutes until class started, hopefully enough for me to get to my class. 

When the car stopped and was parked, we got out and walked into school. People just looked at us and Judy said her goodbye to walk over to her mini office. I just wanted to grab my books and walk over to my History class. So I walked over to my locker. I grabbed my books and put my cup down really quickly. 

I almost dropped it when the bell rang, letting me know I had five minutes to get to my class. I groaned, throwing my locker closed and I held my drink. I quickly walked over to the classroom, almost everybody was already there and Adam looked up from his phone only a slight second.

"Hello there, best friend." I smiled sitting down next to him, putting down my drink and I laying my bag on the table. "Hi." He said softly, focussing on his phone.

"Wow, where is all the energy?" I grinned, putting my drink down and giving Adam a quick hug. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Had a rough night, you could say." He sighed, laying his phone down and looking me in the eyes.

"Why?" I asked him, taking a sip from my drink. It was way too hot and I almost burned my tongue. "Just couldn't sleep." He said looking away from my eyes, he was acting weird. Usually Adam was energetic and he was always positive. Now, he was tired and slightly negative.

"Right," I said and turned my body so I was looking towards the front of the class, where our teacher was writing a few things on the school board. The rest of History class I actually paid attention for once, I just really tried to focus on what the teacher was telling, even though it was hard.

I just didn't want to put my mind on things that'll hurt me eventually. Like Ashton, thinking about him. And knowing that when I would get back home after school, he wouldn't be there was hard. I just really missed him a lot.

Focus, Hannah, focus on school.

So I did, I just focussed on History and after History, Math. And I absolutely hated Math, I just thought it was awful. I will never ever use it in my life after school, so why study for it. But I did get my mind off things, so maybe that was actually good for once. When the bell rang, letting us know that it was time for a little break, I waited for Adam to pack his things up. 

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