chapter twenty-four

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I walked back in to the school, strolling down the halls. After being off school yesterday, Adam had apparently missed me since he rushed over to me the second he saw me. "You're back!" He laughed and my head collided with his chest. "I missed you too," I laughed while we walked through the hallway to our class.

Whilst walking in to the classroom, I could see Ashley, she just said hi to me and I said hi back, we were just polite to each other. Adam and I sat down on our seats and chatted about how the new house is and how cool it looks.

Since I had a breakdown the day before yesterday somehow paps photographed me and Ashton while I was crying. I was on every website and I looked really stressed out. "I saw you on the tabloids the day before yesterday, what happened?" Adam asked me and I looked down while playing with my cut out jeans. 

I didn't tell Adam anything about my depression and I was scared that if I would, he would think I'm some kind of fragile baby. I guess now is the time to tell him. "I had a uh- panic attack." I looked at Adam and he just had a puzzled look on his face. 

"I was fine the morning after but I woke up late and they already called me in sick." He nodded and looked at me. I was so thankful for having somebody like Adam. He didn't ask any questions, he didn't pressure me in to telling him anything. 

The teacher then walked in and started talking about boring things. I just tried focusing on it, but I was way too busy with how I was going to decorate my new bedroom. I didn't even hear the bell ringing until Adam touched my arm and he snapped me out of my thoughts.

I laughed, slightly flushing my cheeks and got up, we started walking towards Judy's office and when we saw her I hugged her. "Hey girl" She smiled and held me whilst we were just standing there. "Ugh, get a room." Adam groaned and we laughed.

"So how did the house hunting go?" He then asked and I smiled. "I fell in love with the house almost immediately, the boys bought it." I smiled. "I can come over, right?" He asked me and I had a questioning look on my face.  "I don't know if the security system will let you in." I laughed whilst he just smirked at me and got up to grab some water.

When the bell had rang, we walked over to our class and then my phone rang. I was wondering who would call me right now. "Hello?" I said and then looked at the clock. "Hannah, Calum has been throwing up and having weird stomach pains all morning we are taking him to the hospital." Luke's voice rushed through my phone and my eyes widened. 

"What, is he okay?"  My jaw dropped and all I could think about was in how much pain Calum was right now. "We don't know, we're just taking him to First Aid, but we're not sure if we can get you after school."

"Oh no don't worry about that, Adam can take me." I stared at my teacher who just walked in to the classroom. "Okay, we're at the First Aid, so we'll keep you up to date." Luke then said, "My class is about to start, so I'll see you in a bit." I said and we hung up.

My eyes were watery and I walked in to the class towards Adam. He saw something was wrong because I sat down next to him and I hid my face in his flannel. "Han what's wrong?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "They are taking Calum to the hospital and they don't know why." I sobbed softly and Adam tried to comfort me.

Ms. Hudson, my teacher, saw I was crying so she walked over and sat on the table. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" I looked up to see her and I wiped my eyes. "My best friend is in the hospital." I sobbed softly, and I just stared in to the empty space. "Do you want to go to the bathroom and calm down a bit?" She asked and I nodded, getting up and walking out of the classroom.

Once I was in the bathroom, I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I focused on my breathing and drank a little bit. I looked in to the mirror and saw my awful reflection. My hair was too messy, my mascara was slightly smudged. I grabbed some paper towels to remove any smudges. 

My eyes weren't really puffy, just a bit, it made me look tired. After taking a few breaths, I threw away the cup and walked back in to the classroom. I sat back down on my chair and Adam stroked my back to comfort me.

For the rest of the school day, everything went fairly normal. I just couldn't wait until it was over so I could hurry over to Calum. Judy walked over to me in between classes and told me Michael had called her about Calum. I told her I knew, obviously. I smiled at the thought of Michael calling her though, I secretly shipped them a little.

"Adam offered us a ride after school." She nodded and we continued the school day. When the bell rang, I ran over to my locker and then in to Adam's car. We quickly drove over to hospital.


Okay i want to say a few things.

Today, i reached over 2k views, and i want to thank everybody for reading it. This is my hardest work, from now on and i just want to thank all of you guys.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, my name is @irisaliasiris so...

And i actually have a YouTube channel, so, if you want to check that out..

It's called silverapplepie

and don't ask me why, because actually, i don't know why too.

okay that was it, i love you all so fucking much



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