chapter eight

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We had been waiting for what felt like hours, even though it were in all honestly just minutes. I breathed heavily and just waited. I looked around to see everybody sitting on their phones, typing away. The television was turned off on request by Calum, before we heard any other rumours about ourselves.

We had all ordered another cup of coffee because it was taking a little longer than we expected. It made me nervous, so I was softly scratching the cuts on my arms. I always did that whenever I was nervous. I probably shouldn't do that, because it opened up healing cuts and could get bloody, but I really had to to calm down.

I had them covered up neatly so nobody could see them. But at times like these, I wanted to scratch them or even cut. We were all tensed and we had no idea what to say or do. Ashley had sat closer to me and squeezed my upper arm a few times to comfort me, but it didn't bring me comfort in any way. 

Ashton's hand softly rubbing circles on my thighs was a much better comforter. But he wasn't here and I was tensed because of that reason.

But then, Ashton and Michael appeared from around the corner, Michael was wearing a thick smirk on his face and Ashton had his hands deep in to his pockets and they walked over. Michael sat back down on the couch and Ashton grabbed my hand so that I stood in front of him. 

"Dear Hannah, since the almost two weeks I've known you, we went on this crazy ride with a lot of fun and happiness, but also some sadness." I bit my lip, the sadness part was true. A lot of the time. He knew more about me than even Michael did. "So I'm here to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Even though I knew he was going to ask me this, I was flustered. I stood there with my hand in front of my mouth, a few happy tears rolling down my face. I nodded and said yes. He got a beautiful silver necklace from his pocket. "I had to get you something to show off you are mine now." He smiled. 

I turned around and pulled my hair out of the way so he could put it on. Once he was finished I turned back around and stared at him. I threw my hands around his neck and hugged him, everything felt perfect, so I just stood there for a while just hugging him. His hands were on my waist and I shed away a small tear. 

He looked at me, wiping away the little tear. "Now you can wear my heart with yours." He said. Pointing to the necklace with the small heart on it. 

I smiled and hugged him again. I then looked in his eyes. "Come here." He grinned and grabbed my face in his hands. He kissed my lips tender and softly. And for a first kiss, this was perfect. I smiled and slowly pulled away.

Loud yells and applause came from behind us and I turned around to see our friends go crazy. They were jumping and yelling. I blushed and held on to Ashton, because now, I could.

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