chapter twenty-eight

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"Babe!" Ashton laughed at me whilst throwing one of the pillows at me, he walked out of our bathroom and saw that I was still laying in bed after he had woken me up thirty minutes ago. I didn't feel like getting up and going to school today, I much rather stayed in bed, cuddling with Ashton.

"What?" I groaned and lifted up my head to look at him. "Get up, get ready, kick today's ass." He laughed and sat next to me in bed, playfully slapping my butt. "Where did you get that? The Bible?" I furrowed my eyebrows and crawled in to his lap.

He laughed and kissed the top of my head, then he lift me up and made me put on clothing. I groaned while picking something to wear, which consisted of my black jeans, an edgy blouse kind of top and leather jacket, the basics.

My hair looked awful so I had to throw on a fedora, I then put on my Campbell's, did minimal makeup and walked down the stairs with my backpack. "Wow who's that hot girl?" Ashton said when I walked over to the kitchen, where he and Luke were sitting. "Dude that's your girlfriend." Luke chuckled and Ashton jumped up.

"I'm so lucky!" He laughed and kissed me, I eventually could make myself a breakfast consisting of waffles. Michael walked down the stairs not too soon after and he wished us all a good morning. I laughed because their morning faces were adorable.

Luke was awake, he was already showered, dressed and was eating his own breakfast. "By the way, we have an interview at three so make sure to be-" He started saying but was interrupted by a groggy morning voice "Morning." He groaned and Luke's jaw dropped.

I felt my inner Cake shipper's heart and jaw drop to the floor. "Calum?" Luke said and then looked at him, while Calum stood there, looking like he was about to pass out from walking down the stairs. "You can walk!" He jumped up and down, tripping in the proces and running over to Calum to hug him.

I laughed but we all walked over to him to have a group hug. "I actually still want to be able to breath, guys." He said, sassy Calum was back. We all let go soon and Luke helped him sit down. "We're just happy to see you're better than yesterday." I smiled and looked at the soft smile on his lips. 

I finished eating my breakfast and then went upstairs to brush my teeth. Once I finished, I walked out of my room and stood at the top of the stairs, hearing mumbles coming from downstairs. I was trying to hear what they were saying, "I just don't know how to tell her." I heard Ashton say, and he was obviously talking about me.

"Well, it's your job. We're leaving eventually." Michael said, making sure Ashton knew it was his job to tell me this thing. "I just don't know how she's going to take it."  The room silenced when I walked downstairs. They all looked at me and I raised my eyebrow.

"Are we going?" I said, shrugging off what happened before, I just wanted to get out of this house now, knowing they were keeping something from me. The car ride to school, which took only five minutes was quiet, we were quietly listening to the radio and we weren't speaking.

Once the car stopped in front of my school, I wanted to get out but Ashton grabbed my wrist. "Leave it, Ashton. I'm going to be late." He let go of my wrist. I just felt really hurt, he knew he could tell me literally everything and now he isn't.

"I'm not going to tell you like this, I'll tell you after school, okay?" He asked me, raising my chin with his hand so I was looking at him. "Fine." I said, looking at him, annoyed. He kissed me on my lips but I pulled away and got out of the car, closing the door and not looking back.

Today was stupid, I hadn't seen Judy or Adam yet today and I was feeling like a total loner, how Ashton and I left off today. I just shrugged, walking over to my locker. I heard the absolute mean girl, Melissa, and I was so sad I couldn't escape her eye sight.

"Hey Hannah." She smiled and I didn't even look at her, I just grabbed the books I needed. "Hey." I didn't even take the time to look at her, not wanting to see what slutty outfit she had put on today.  "How's your new house, I heard it's pretty big!" She smiled exited.

"I was wondering if you were throwing a house warming party and if me and my girls would stand on the guest list, since we're the most popular girls in school." She smiled at me and I grinned back at her. "We're probably throwing a big party yeah, the guest list is probably nothing much, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, maybe the guys from All Time Low and probably Kylie Jenner." 

I totally made that up, the boys might be friends with Niall, Harry and Alex, but they never spoke to Kylie Jenner. I doubt she knows of their existence. Melissa's jaw did drop, and I laughed at her face. Adam walked over a that moment and I just smiled at him. "Oh Melissa?" I said while grabbing her arm.

"I was just joking, even though they might be on the guest list,  I do know that you're not. Stop trying to get in my brother's pants and be a little slut somewhere else." I told her, I then let go of her arm, closed my locker and walked off with Adam.

"Shots fired." Adam laughed and I just shook my head, laughing softly. When we walked in to class, most of the students were already there, and the teacher was already preparing his class. We walked to the back of class and sat down at our seats.

I didn't pay too much attention, because I didn't care, I'd graduate somehow.

From King Adam:
Boo this is lame

To King Adam:
I know

From King Adam:
Wanna hang after school?

To King Adam:

From King Adam:

To King Adam:
Something Ash wanted to tell me. Idk. Tomorrow?

From King Adam:
Oh.. Right.


So I know this chapter sucks. But whatever hope you like ittt

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