chapter thirty-one

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"Wait what?" I asked her, I looked shocked and her eyes were just as big as mine. I always thought Michael was the kind of guy to first have a strong relationship before he wants to hook up, but apparently not. 

"We got back from car shopping and we just chilled in his room. Then we heard you and Ashton almost fighting and when we realised he told you the news, I made Michael calm you down. Then Michael himself got upset so we went back to his room and I calmed him down and then it happened.

She wiped away the tears under her eyes and I was just shocked to hear this from my brother. "And what-" I started but got interrupted with the door opening, Michael stood in the doorframe with red eyes.

"Can we talk?" He asked Judy as she sat there, fragile in her chair with her legs pulled in to her chest. I stared at her, she gave me a small nod and I got up, walking past Michael and back into the house.

I groaned softly whilst walking into the kitchen to grab some juice. "Well good morning." I heard a husky voice say behind me, I looked up and saw Adam and Ashton in a deep conversation.  "Oh my god, Adam, I totally forgot!" I walked over to him and hugged him quickly and after that rubbing my eyes.

"Uhm, a lot of things happened last night-" I started, but Adam already spoke again, "Ashton told me, it's okay." He smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in to his side and I just sighed, "I don't know if everything is okay. That's the problem." I walked back over to the fridge to look at what to eat.

I decided on some toast. 

"What do you mean?"  Ashton turned around with a questionable look. "If you are talking about Michael and Judy, they've been wrapped around each others fingers ever since they met, they will figure something out." He grinned.

"I don't know. What if they happen to get in to a relationship, Michael is leaving in, like, one and a half day." I groaned, mashing up an avocado. "I know everything is hard, but I'm here." Adam grinned, I looked at him.

"And of course Cole and Braxton too."  I smiled at him. Adam looked at me and nodded.

Cole and Braxton were usually the two boys Adam and I sat with in classes, I'm not sure if we were friends but I would really like to get a friendship with them. They were really down to earth and chill.

I had finished my toast by now and was ready to take a bite when Ashton grabbed one of the slices. I slapped his hands away from my food and hissed at him. "Mine." I said, looking him in the eyes. He just laughed and I then laughed as well.

"So what is the plan now?" I asked Ashton and Adam, because I was now not completely sure what we were going to do. "I don't know, I was planning on taking you out but maybe we should wait until Michael and Judy are okay?" 

I nodded and smiled at him, Ashton was really creative so whenever he would take me out he would make it really special and interesting. I then grabbed my phone whilst eating. 

After a while, the backdoor finally opened and Michael walked in followed by Judy. Their eyes were bloodshot and puffy. This was not right. I got up and grabbed Judy's hands, pulling her with me up the stairs to my room.

"What'd he say?" She shook her head, wiping away more tears. I opened my arms and she started crying in my arms.  "He didn't want to take things further for now. But I can not wait, I am not going to." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So you mean he doesn't want anything right now?" I asked her and she nodded whilst crying. "Maybe after tour, when they finish their tour. He doesn't want to deal with missing me." I furrowed my eyebrows yet again, this was the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. He likes her, wether or not they are in a relationship, he will miss her anyways.

"Maybe it's for the best." She spoke and I shook my head, seeing your best friend like this, this heartbroken, it breaks my own heart. The fact that my brother is the reason made everything only worse.

"I'm going to get you some water, okay?" I got up and she nodded, I smiled at her and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me and heading downstairs. I walked in to the kitchen, past Michael and headed for the cabinet that contained all the glasses. 

"Aren't you going to talk to me?" Michael said, I turned around and looked at him. "You broke the heart of my best friend!" I yelled at him. "But I am your brother!" He yelled back. I put down the glass.

"Everything you said to her is bullshit and you know it. 'I don't want to miss you so I don't put a label on our relationship.' Like how fucked up can you be? She is not going to wait for you and if you let her alone and she finds another boy, there is nothing you will be able to do about it then!" I screamed in his face. 

I grabbed the glass of water and walked over to the stairs. "Hannah come back here!" Michael yelled and I stood still. I was thinking wether I should go upstairs or walk back to him. I just walked back upstairs but heard Michael walking to the stairs. "Hannah, come here." Michael said.

I walked down a few steps and sat down on the stairs, looking at him. "You know it is not like that." He said and I raised one of my eyebrows. "Well apparently I don't. Better grow some balls and ask her to be your girlfriend because if you leave her like this, you will come back in a few months to her having a boyfriend that is not you." 

He looked at his feet and then I realized he was scared. Michael is scared for labels, he has always been. It's because of our mother. I walked over to him. "You're scared aren't you?" I asked him and he nodded. 

I grabbed his hand and we sat down next to each other. "You know I'm scared of labels." He began. "And what if Judy and I grow apart because we don't see each other that often?" He started saying.

Judy and Michael were a perfect fit, and everybody knew so. I smiled at him. "I know for a fact that will not happen, but if it makes you feel better, if you grow apart and you're both not happy anymore in this relationship, than it would only be good to break up." He nodded.

"Now here is her water, bring it to her and tell the complete truth." I said, gave him the glass and then he got up and walked to my room. When he was upstairs, we exchanged looks one last time and he went in to my room.

I walked over to the living room where Calum and Luke were still playing FIFA, Adam and Ashton had joined them. We waited for them to walk back downstairs again. When they did, hand in hand we all cheered. Judy silenced it and said one sentence.

"We're taking it slow."

Well this is one shitty fucked up chapter

Kaykay bye

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