chapter thirty-seven

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"Hello there, beautiful humans." I walked over to Adam's locker where he was talking to Cole and Braxton. "Well hello, I feel flattered." Adam grinned, giving me a short side hug. "You all ready for another day of hell?" I sighed.

They all seemed to think for a split second, but agreed almost immediately.

Cole moved out of the way so I could get to my locker, which was next to Adam's. I just sighed, threw in the books I had in my bag for later that day and grabbed the books that I had left yesterday. I locked it again and turned back around.

"Where do we have to go?" I sighed, leaning against the lockers.

"Uh, Biology." Adam said, I just fake smiled, absolutely hating Biology. I stared down at my feed, looking at my legs that had a black pair of jeans on. I  just smiled at the knee parts that were ripped open. It reminded me of Luke. And that reminded me of the promise he made, when he would get back from tour, he would go with me and I would get my nose pierced.

"Hannah?" I looked up, Adam stared at me with a puzzled look, I just furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him. "What were you thinking of." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we made our way over to Biology. 

"Nothing special." I groaned, grabbing my phone from my pocket and checking if Ashton had send me a message, which he hadn't. "Well I'm bored, so tell me." He chuckled. "Nothing much, just that I was going to get my nose pierced with Luke." I told him. "Are you joking?" He grinned, I just shook my head and got into another boring school day.

At break we just hang around a bit, Cole sat with us and we were bored basically the entire day.

After school, everybody tagged along to my house. Cole and Adam were in a deep conversation about something I didn't really follow, Judy just immediately walked over to the fridge so Braxton and I followed her.

"Okay, we got Lemonade and Iced Tea. What do you guys want?" She said and the boys voted for Iced Tea. I just voted for whatever they wanted and walked over to the television. I didn't really know what we were going to do, but I decided on turning on the music channel. I smiled when the intro of Good Girls came on. 

"AYE 5SOS ARE ON!" I screamed and Judy came running over as fast as possible, she just jumped up and down like a crazy fangirl. "Oh lord, Judy! You are such a Mikey girl!" I laughed as we jumped up and down dancing to our boys.

Braxton, Cole and Adam just frowned at us, until we stared at them.

We jammed out the chorus and Cole and Adam slowly escaped to outside, we were probably freaking them out. We just enjoyed the song a lot. Making me miss them even more. Braxton got out his phone and started filming Judy and me jumping around on the big couch. When the song ended, I turned the volume up so we could hear it whilst we were outside and we walked over to the garden with a tray of Ice Tea and some snacks. 

Braxton handed me his phone so I could watch the video, "it's hilarious, can you send it to me so I can post it on Twitter?" I asked him. He nodded, immediately sending it to me. I posted it on Twitter and then turned around to see Cole and Adam sitting a few feet away.

Cole and Adam were laughing at some joke one of them made and we sat down next to them. I grabbed my phone again, just scrolling through my twitter timeline and reading the responses to the video. There were al lot of sweet tweets, like the usual. We were just sitting pretty much until the doorbell rang and I got up, to see what was on the other side of the door.

I turned the volume of the television down and rushed over to the door. I opened it to see the delivery guy. "Good afternoon, I got a this for Miss. Clifford." The man smiled. I frowned, grabbing the package and signing the clipboard. After that, I said goodbye and closed the door, walking into the garden. "Jud?" I spoke, she looked up from her phone, walked over as I put the box down on the ground, she opened it with her sharp nails. Inside of the box were a few documents. 

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