chapter nineteen

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"Back to Australia!" The woman said on the television, I was ready for all the rumors that I was going to hear in a bit about myself. The paper was full, and now the television can't shut up as well. "5 Seconds of Summer's lead singer Luke Hemmings was last night spotted with Hannah Clifford entering the Capitol Records recording studio's." She started, speaking the truth.

"Clifford had updated her Twitter before arriving at the Recording Studio with a picture of her and Hemmings attached. She told her followers that Luke had a secret surprise for her! Isn't that cute!" This made no sense, guess the way she makes her money was by making up thinks that aren't even true.

"They aren't only friends. You got it right! Hannah is indeed Michael's sister. Sadly for Luke, her heart is already stolen by older bandmate Ashton Irwin." She's only telling people what they probably have heard already a thousand times. "The two opened up about their relationship only a week ago, but have made their relationship public five weeks ago."

I got even more comfortable on the couch, wearing my pajama's with my breakfast in hand. She was almost finished, I knew it. I was wondering how much she could make up about people. "Don't worry, your favorite couple isn't going to split up any time soon. The two are madly in love with each other, and always make sure to remind us about every once in a while.

Ashton recently tweeted this picture of them snuggled up, with the cutest caption ever! 'You make me the happiest man in the world'. They also like to give us thousands of selfies. Don't get me started about how lucky those two are."

I was done, not feeling that annoying voice anymore. I just couldn't believe that people could actually make money from telling rumors about other people. It was the morning and I had to get ready to go to school.

Maybe, I wasn't so sure about my thought about getting into this. It was the morning after I went out to the recording studio with Luke. He had given me one of the best nights of my life and i thanked him so much.

I eventually got up to our room and got over to Ashton. He was still half-asleep in bed, and I decided to go kiss him awake. I kissed every place on his face and grinned once he opened his eyes, smirked and did the exact same back.

Eventually, Calum told me to stop being so clingy and I then got up to put on some clothing. I was really lazy, so I got one of Michael's 'IDIOT' flannels, and a pair or ripped skinny jeans. Some Chelsea boots and I then ran over to get changed in the bathroom.

I then started on my makeup and after a while, somebody knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Calum standing there, sweatpants and messy curly hair. He looked really cute and cuddly, leaning against the doorframe. "Hey Cal, what's up." I said and he smiled.

I continued applying my red lipstick, "Do you want to hang out after school?" He asked me, I laughed. Calum and mine way of hanging out was actually just laying on the couch watching Friends and eating popcorn. 

But I hung out with Luke, this afternoon probably with Calum, when am I going to hang out with Ashton again? "I'm not sure yet, but we'll work it out." I smiled, he gave me a smile back and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked over to the bedroom once I was finished, to find Ashton, shirtless, alone in the bedroom. I smiled at him and closed the door behind me. "Hey there." He grinned, walking up behind me and put his hands on my hips.

I turned around and smiled at him, connecting our lips in a short second. It went from tender to heated in one short second, it felt amazing. This didn't happen in a while and now I felt all kinds of emotions. 

Ashton pushed me against the wall, my hands were tangled up in his hair, and his hands were holding on to my waist. Tight and strong, until our door opened and we got cut off immediately. 

The door was opened and Michael stood in the doorway. His jaw dropped and he couldn't realise what he had just seen. "Oh my God." I said, staring at the ground, not knowing what to say. 

"I was going to ask if we could drop you off.." He started, "But I am now wondering how I can possibly remove this from my brain." He groaned. Ashton exploded and laughed as hard as possible. 

"Yeah, you can drop me off." I said, walking over to my books and getting the right ones. "I'm going to get Ashley." I kissed Ashton's cheek, walked passed Michael and also kissed his cheek. 

Eventually we were all seated in the car, and I told them the story about how there was one girl yesterday that wanted a picture. "And you took the picture?" Luke seemed shocked, I nodded. "I'm just already tired of the girls gasping while I pass them in the hallway." I groaned.

The boys all laughed, "That's our life, you better get used to it." Luke said and the car came to a stop. I got out, followed by Ashley and Ashton. "Babe, why are you getting out?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows. "I was trying to be polite and get you your bag." He laughed, immediately the girls saw him, too scared to walk over to us.

Ashton got me my bag, and smiled. "I'll see you after school." He said, kissing me softly. "I think we need to head over to our class now." I heard the bell ring. Sadly enough, Ashton thought about it differently, and he lifted me bridal style and ran over to the other side of the car.



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