Chapter 42

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Throughout their time together, Lylie had been trying to get Fred back, but he cheekily seemed to dodge every one of her remarks or actions. He had obviously caught on, knowing that she was trying to manipulate him, yet, he was a mastermind, so she couldn't get by him.

"Do you want to bake some cookies?" Lylie asked Fred as they both were lying on the floor, bored.

"Just like my grandmother?" Fred sarcastically replied.

"Yes. Why not." Lylie hoisted herself up and ordered Fred to do the same.

He stood up with a frown and shuffled after Lylie, all the way to the kitchen. The two got out the ingredients and set to work.


"That's the oven!" Lylie jumped up and raced downstairs with Fred at her heels. Lylie grabbed the oven mits and yanked the oven open to reveal black, burnt cookies. The smoke escaped the oven and circled the area, making it grey and foggy. Suddenly, the smoke alarm sounded, causing chaos throughout the house.

Lylie's parents came down yelling, "What happened? Are you two alright?"

Fred's face was frozen in shock, and Lylie looked to Fred and muttered, "It was all Fred's fault."

Fred's mouth slowly opened, wider and wider. His eyes bulged and he folded his arms across his chest.

Lylie's parents looked to Lylie with angry expressions, her mother huffed, "Now, do you really think that you can put this all on sweet, loveable Fred?" Her mother walked to Fred and rubbed his arm sympathetically.

Fred put on a puppy dog face and nodded sadly, on purpose. Lylie narrowed her eyes at him and mumbled, "Are you serious."

"Come, Fred, do you need tending to?" Mrs. Aqua said as Mr. Aqua fanned the smoke detector with a newspaper.

"Oh, no, Mrs. Aqua, I'm quite alright, thank you for asking." Fred politely responded.

Lylie's mother turned to Lylie and whispered in a hoarse voice, "This is unacceptable. When your friend leaves, you will be in so much trouble."

Mr. Aqua said, "You two run along, we'll clean this place up. I don't think we'll be able to make dinner, seeing as the kitchen is ... well it's not in it's best shape. How's pizza?"

Lylie and Fred nodded their heads vigorously and bolted upstairs.


"This is great." Fred smiled.

"Thank you, I ordered it myself." Lylie's mother replied playfully.

"Fred, dear, when's your mother coming?" Mrs. Aqua added.

Fred answered, "7pm. Is that okay?"

"Oh goodness gracious, it's fine! You can stay for as long as you want!"

"Thank you for you generosity, Mrs." Fred flattered Lylie's mother. Whereas, Lylie sat there with a look of disgust on her face.


"Looks like you got me." Fred remarked later after dinner.


"You got me."

Lylie sighed, "I don't think you understand the meaning of 'what'. It means you don't get it."

Fred ignored Lylie's comment and explained, "You got me. Meaning, after I said that remark in the front entrance, you've been trying to get me back." He paused and repeated, "You got me."


"When we set off the smoke alarm. You said," Fred put on a high pitched, squeaky voice, "'It was all Fred fault.'"

Fred added, "I didn't deny it, nor counter it. Meaning, you got me."

Lylie registered his statement, she smiled, her smile growing bigger, stretching across her face, she jumped up, "This is brilliant!"

"Blimey Lylie, calm down."

"I can't! This is so great! I out-witted THE Fred Weasley!"

Fred waved his hands, motioning downward, "Okay, we get it. That's great. Good for you."


"Hello Mrs. Weasley!" Lylie's mother invited Fred's mother inside for a cup of tea.

"Why, your son is an angel." Mrs. Aqua told Mrs. Weasley.

"I have never heard somebody say that about Fred. Or George, come to think of it." Mrs. Weasley laughed.

"What?" Mrs. Aqua chuckled, "He is a sweetheart, it was a pleasure having him."

Lylie and Fred hurried up to the two woman, holding a tray with their burnt cookies scattered all over it.

Fred offered one his mother, "Cookie?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled and went to take a cookie, but realized they were crispy and black, she began, "Why, of course, I would love -" her expression changed, "Frederick."

He smiled innocently, "Yeh?"

"Do you have something to you want to say?"

"Not at the moment. Do you?"


"Well, get on with it."

Mrs. Weasley lowered her eyebrows and turned to face Mrs. Aqua. She asserted, "Now that's the Fred I was talking about."


"I had my doubts about the boy, but he's quite the charmer." Lylie's father reflected that night.

Mrs. Aqua agreed, "He is. He's such a cutie."

Lylie rolled her eyes playfully, she waved, "Well, goodnight."

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