Life Getaway

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Yep its life many people told me it was always part of life. But this? Years and years of difficulty. Rejections. Well here's a story of my Life Getaway. A boy raised by his own mother. Father left him before his birth. People saw him as a dummy. A toy. A very desperate kid. Here goes the beginning of me Nicholai Quince.
I grew up in New York . Not much a rich family,but we could handle the prices. But the real painful part is *sigh* I'm unwelcome to almost every person in school. Im barely noticed (They Notice me when their ready to toy me around). As 7 years went by I got myself a friend. Anthony. Then next Charisma. They both knew what I was capable of. I was too fragile. Easy to break. But I knew I had something more than breaking.

After a year Anthony and Charisma got into a relationship. I became their wingman (which was fine with me). Each 18th of the month they both always consult me for help on their so-called"monthsary"(stupid I know). Anthony was like a brother to me. Were very both similar to each other. He was by my side when I was down. And same with Charisma she was like a little sister to me. Sweet, kind, beautiful, supportive. Yep thats Charisma. They both had quite a reputation, since the news that they were in a relationship spreaded throughout the whole grade. Well it wasn't me who spreaded it. They both trusted me i worked hard to gain that kind of bond . *Chuckle* I remember the time when Anthony stood up gum was on his Tushy. Charisma had not much of a great brain so all her quizzes were caputs.

Well back to me...Nicholai Quince
Most of my friends at school are girls thats why mom is so mad at me. She thinks I'm flirting! Most of the boys make fun of me they see me so lowly. Except for Anthony. My first female friend was Charisma. Everytime I had a crush she was there to help me. Support me in anykind of way she can. And yet I was rejected. I was a loyal to my crush I took my time with them. My longest wait was 6 years my shortest was a month. And I only had 2 relationships. My first lasted 6 months and my second was a month. They made fun of me after a few days saying "Your not meant for the likes of us" . After a few weeks Charisma and Anthony wanted to see how I was doing. Becuz most of the time I was alone. Silent. Wearing all black. In class with my hood raised. Saying to myself "What is wrong with me? Why am I such a failure? Is this really all I can do?". My friend Gabriel since prep. He was pretty much not any of help. He's a fake friend. He betrayed me. This life isn't what I wanted. I felt like I shouldn't belong here or among any of them. Maybe I'm just a toy. I thought of running away. But I realized something was stopping me. It was fate. Things got better.

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