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You laughed at me when I asked for your help.
I wanted to cry for I became an outcast in this world..
Nobody saw my pain, I cried countless times, I screamed so loud...I was still an outcast...

my friends turned against me..
The world all turned against me even in sleep..
I shall bow down on death's feet..
This game cannot be beat..
For a beautiful life I shall never meet..

I'm an outcast...it feels the whole world hates me...the whole world is killing me...

I only ask for little precious time to spent..
You judged me without anything felt...
For many nights I cried before I slept...
The days of life, for what waits is death...

I have so many problems..I have no one to approach...mostly everyone turned against me..

They see me differently!
For I see life filled with such melancholy..
Time has passed, I grew into a nobody..
Life was so unhappy...

I wanted to be cared for...
I wanted to be noticed..
I wanted them to understand my pain..
Yet nobody came..

A clown is only to support the show..
A freak is only to be judged...
A toy is only to be played...
A puppet is only to be forced to do..

An outcast is only to be left unnoticed..

I told everyone, how life was going  yet they shut me out. By the time I always hear them out, you kicked me out...COMPLETELY REJECTED..

You got a group..
I got myself...

It's like 1 against the world...an outcast..

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now