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Again...heart shattered...
Again...blood tattered...
Alone in this path once more...
Anguish for heart galore...

Be who I once was..
Begin to never last...
Besides life is death...
Bridge to the land of the left..

Cornered in a dark alley...
Can no longer convey...
Continues, the tally...
Conjured love, never delayed..

Distant pain....
Destroyed me with no gain..
Decipher every fake word...
Derail the trail to the world...

Emotions destroy us from afar
Enlisted in endless war...
Entry to the end...
End has nothing to lend..

Fear what lies ahead
Forget, that I WAS dead...
Fading light...
Fake might...

Grief is common..
Grudge it summons...
Greatness in power..
Golden will, shattered..

Hatred grew overtime...
Hence, the sins of mine...
Howling, the demons at dawn...
Having the life of a pawn...

Ignorance brought upon rage..
I can no longer handle this damage..
In due time..everything will end...
I can see the truth has been bent...

Justice is an illusion
Just a confusion
Jump in hell..
Journey from once I FELL..

Kill every tear
King of fear
Kindled was I
Knowledge was false seen by eye.

Love belonged nowhere..
Loss was always somewhere..
Live among the wicked...
Lies..lies...I was tricked..

My life, brought upon shame...
Morbid thoughts, shall not tame..
Magnificent life is impossible..
Meadows of darkness, horrible..

"Nice future ahead"
Not when I'm dead..
Next to leave are the ones you care...
Never expect loyalty, it is too rare...

Obscured sight...
Overwhelmed with might...
Obtain true peace!
Opportunities out of reach...

Poor young one
Parents long gone...
Pretend thou are fine...
Pain forever inside...

Quit your dreams...
Quarrell or screams?!
Question thy anxiety!
Quiver from tons of discrepancies...

Remember they past...
Reeked vast..
Reach out, escape your anxieties..
Rummage through old memories!

Save yourself...
Satisfaction for the devil himself..
Sending the demons of hell...
Screams I shall never tell..

Tell others your emotion...
Trick the "you fine?" question..
Transition between right to wrong...
Terrible life, soothed by a song...

Unbelievable choice...
Undying pained voice!
Undefinable anguish!
Understand my life is selfish!

Venture the forth...
View north...
Violent gesture...
Vast composure..

Why am I here?
When shall I end this fear?
Wandering in black and white..
Wondering what life is like...

X-ray, your lies have been seen...
Xylophone, melodic tune, had it been?
X marked for everything hoped to gain...
Xylas Hood is the poet in pain.

You never know what lies in deep..
Yesterday I wish forever I was asleep...
Yearn everynight for a beloved.
Your absence caused tear shed...

Zealous about art..
Zephyr has shivered my heart..
Zest from the successful...
Zero and so doubtful..

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now