
27 4 52

First kiss: None...Who gives a damn

Place I wanna visit: Japan, Rome, New York

3 languages I wish to speak: Japanese, Latin, French

Cosmetic Products: Burn it to hell...I don't use it

Indoor or Outdoor: Depends

Instruments I play: Guitar..learning tho

Favourite song at the moment: Build our Machine, Can't be erased, Nobody can Hear You

Favourite songs for life: Nobody Can Hear you, Doubt, Weak.

Zodiac: Aries♈

Beach or pool: Sometimes both. Sometimes nothing
I don't swim much.

Favourite Edit: Drawing and Nightcore I guess?

Books or movies: Books

Anime or Manga: Both

Favourite Movie: Civil War

Favourite Book: Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus series..

Favourite Manga: Shingeki No Kyojin

Favourite Anime: Fairy Tail, Shingeki No Kyojin, Boku No Hero Academia

Favourite Academic: Science, English

Pets: 4 dogs

When and Why Did you make your wattpad acc:
November 21, 2016. I made it because my little sister suggested it. XD

Ideal Weather condition: Rainy or Snowy...boy I wish it could rain Ice cream😢

How I relax: Music, eat, draw, sleep and think. Right now, I ain't relaxed. Haven't slept in 2 days asound...



Tagged by XNeilCipherX Thanks for the tag, haven't been tagged in months.

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