
21 1 0

I am pathetic...a worthless friend...a worthless brother...just who am I, infront of all of you?

I am pathetic, in everything I do, try, and hope.

If you people really don't want me anymore, then just tell me! I may not be ready to lose someone I care for...but I may be ready for the pain I shall endure, even though I've been through too much..

I'm ready for you to say in my face:

"You're a pathetic brother!"
"Pathetic friend"
"Leave me alone!"
"I don't need you anymore!"
"Worthless friend"
"Go to HELL"
"Nobody needs you"

Just tell me...It hurts more to be spoken of behind my back! Just tell me! I may be scared, but don't make me fear more as I fear right now, cuz I'm close to not hesitating when taking my own life away.

I know it's true! *cries*
Stop hiding...

I need you
I still want you
I still care for you..

Do you people still need me?
Care for me?

Pathetic? I know...


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