I'll be Good...

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I'm about to give in soon...
My life is just a bent spoon..
You saw me me smile
It was nothing but a mere cry..

This dream shall end...
I have lost so much friends...
You continue to kill me everynight I dream...
My joy, my smile was nothing but my screams...

She killed me, she killed me...
They killed me, they killed me...

"How about taking of the mask?" They said..
I did, I was an eyesore...even with it on, I still am..

My past tasted bitter for years..
Haunted by my own fears..
Blood is for what I shall smear..
And everything shall end in tears...

My tears are countless..
My pain is unimagineable...
The screams are unbearable...
Death is too tempting...

My blood stained mind...
For me, no one shall find..
I have been shattered..
I'm a toy..a freak...a monster..what've I done?

They took everything from me!
Including my sanity...
Interesting isn't it?

I died, I died I died...I shall die over a thousand more times and not a single one shall notice my countless deaths!!!

It's cold..
I tried to be bold..
I just shattered my stronghold..
Now nothing can be put into fold...

She scarred enough to make me feel useless..
Feel worthless..
Feel like a failure..
Feel alone...

I just wanna die...
I don't wanna live...
I hate life...
You called out the "shit" I am..well HERE I AM!

I'm weak. TRUE..
I'm nothing...true

Everytime I wake up...I See the Devil...
I see a monster...I see a freak..I see a toy..

I named this book a Painful Life..because it truly is!!!
My life is a game...a neverending game
The main character was a toy..
The story was how he will he be accepted in life...

Don't worry...I'll be Good..

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