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I seek love.
I see love.
Isn't it such a beautiful sight?
Love is beautiful indeed.

You will never be loved!
You shall forever be hurt!
Love isn't for you!

I fell inlove.
I tried.
I tried more.
I tried and tried.
I got hurt!

I fell inlove, do I have a shot?
No, who would love a person like me?!
Stop thinking! Stop stop!
Your hurting yourself! *laughs*
I'll keep trying
And I'll keep myself hurting!

Love is such a beautiful thing.

You left me!
You abandoned me!
You hurt me!!!
I cried.
I dreamt.
I wished.

In the end I'm still hurt.
I need to find the one for me.
If there is a one for me.
Would she love me back as I love her?
I'm used to pain.
I love pain.

Come on hurt me.
I'll never stop seeking
I shall never stop crying

I fell inlove.
My chances are dull.
Even with anyone I got no chances
Everything is so misty!
Again, who would love me?
Not even my parents would love me properly.

*cries and screams*

I just want to be loved!
I just want to be accepted!
I wanna be welcomed!
Somehow you people don't want to!

!"33 don't hurt me !"33
I love you.
No freak!

Wasted efforts
Wasted time
Wasted words
Wasted salliva
Wasted life
Wasted love
Wasted heart
Wasted brain.

You shall be left behind
You shall be hurt
She would never love you back
Nor would anyone
Don't waste your time.
Unless your waiting for pain haunt you again.

Cry my child, for the pain within you haunt you. Work-hard child for you shall get hurt over and over again. Love my child, for no one shall love you. Close your eyes and dream my little dreamer

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now