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I supported you, I helped you, I became your friend...your brother...and you just said..'Fuck you'

Why do you hate me so much?
Why won't you tell me the truth..
You shut me out!
You pushed me away...
Can't you see, I have more problems at bay?!

I've lost too much!
You've hated me for no reason, what is it?!

I've began to fear so much now.
And doubt is only I allow.
I was worthless, weak
My heart stopped the beats.

You're confusing me
I feel so weak
Was I used?
Or just abused?!
I tried to care
You pushed me away, it isn't FAIR!

I'm confused
I dunno who I am
What is the purpose of my life?
What's the point of me living?!

The fact I grabbed a blade with no fear
The fact I pointed it to my throat, my chest without trembling!

Did I overcome my fear?
Or I just don't give a damn?!

Was I even use to you? No. Not only you...ALSO THE OTHERS...

So many questions I hold in line..

Am I worthy of a brother?

Who am I infront of you?

Why am I so weak?

Is my life truly miserable?

Did I always walk alone?

Why am I invisible?!

Why am I denied?

Why...why am I SO HATED?

Am I not worthy of time?

Am I not worth of a friend?


I know you're happier when I'm gone...I know it.
Most of 'em are happy when I'm gone..
Gimme a blade, I'll make you happy...

Deep truths..My Fear, consumed my light...
I don't know if I can still fight..
Did I just take a wrong path?

One of my deepest truths..

My father left me...right.
Straight to the point...for sure, I have an unknown sibling, in his "care".

His/her name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Information: unknown...

My step-father is treating me like a fucking PIG!
While he treats my sister with all the care!

Dear Step-"Dad"

We just got home
You puffed a smoke
You're a father
Not like any other...EXACTLY, NOT LIKE ANY OTHER


FYI, He's a father, he has a kid. Plus no work. Plays the computer all day! That's him, a "Father" my mom is so inlove with...

He lies
He's fake
He smokes
He drinks
He's disrespectful
He has a favouritism..always against me..ME I SAY!

I can't fight for my own me..
I feel enslaved..I feel like a prisoner of my own thoughts, a prisoner of my own step-"father only"

I'm weak!
I'm meek
But I've rarely hold grudge
But fear makes my face looked smudged..



What is the point of me living?

What is the purpose of my life?

Help me escape...
Help me get-up..
Help me smile again..a real one..
Help me laugh again..a real one.
Help me get back to you..once more..

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now