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I'm scared, I truly am, I protect my sister from danger, I watch over my sister always. The backfires, It hurts, I tried protecting everyone I love, somehow I can't protect myself. My shield is completely battered, soon to shatter. I tried to protect, yet I failed.

I just truly don't wanna be left alone. I always ask my self  "what if you were left alone" I would reply "Its my fault, I couldn't have done better, I'm doing things wrong, I couldn't protect my beloved." *cries*

I can feel the pain.
your nothing in my life but a stain.
for past the future you shall gain.
My whole soul was set aflame.
Now I'm alone left astray.
Protection gone.

I truly love my friends, I can't lose them, not now. Please. My mind is different from all yours, I have a scared mind, scared of losing its loving memories, and sometimes willing to keep the damaged past.

To remember is to look into a nightmare.
To look into nightmare is to be in hell.
To be in hell is to be burned.
To be burned is to be turned to ash.
To be turned to ash is to be forgotten.

Am I me? Are you you? I'M SCARED!

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now