Almost Farewell...

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I can't move, this life has paralyzed me, next it shall kill me.

I have grown fatherless,

I was turned into a joke for not having a father...
I cried for help, I only heard was their laughter..
I don't smile, I don't laugh...It's my terror...

My friends turned away from me...

I was turned into a joke
If I tried to speak, I'd choke...
I only ask for in life is a rope!
Pull me up, show me what is hope!

I'm hopeless...

The shadows are darker than ever...
The light shall be dimmer forever..
The screams shall forever get louder..
My life shall become a neverending horror...

I want death...Some people think when I mention I wanna die, it's a joke...But It's not...

I wanna end these problems...
Just for the sake of them!
In exchange of my existence!
My presence shall still be an absence...

My Death, none shall find...
My death, none shall cry..
My death, none shall strive..
My death, none shall care..
My death, none shall notice..
My death, none shall know why..
My death, none shall love...

For this is almost farewell...

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