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I can't find a way for control
But thoughts were on the roll..
I sought a melody
To calm my melancholy..

The melody is like a drug
It feels like a tight hug...
You can't sleep
Nobody knows what shall creep..

I seemed to have been forgotten...
A snake lies in the fields, waiting..
I heard screams...
I heard the tears drip with no means...

The sweet melody of silence..
For darkness has such abundance..
The unharmonic melody of life..
For that sweet melody I strive..

Sweet melodies rid of my dark...
But laid there playing a bloody harp..
Melodies hold many meanings...
Like death was always a happening..

I lost my patience..
I lost my conscience...
I hold melancholy...
I lost the melody...

The sweet melody...
To bring symphony...
I brought up another smile..
To hide I was not fine...

No more melody...
No more harmony!
Faking I was in heaven..
The truth I was played by the devil!

Come on...I'm fine..
I ain't lyin'..
Can't you see my smile?
I can run another mile!

Take off your mask
That Is all I ask
Rid of that frown..
You were always down...

Open thy eyes for they see lies
Open thy mouth to sing melodies..
I close my eyes and feel pain on my chest..
It's just the weight of the depressed..

I hear no more melodies...
Nothing is funny..
My practiced laugh...
For I no longer remember my last...

I hear silent melodies..
In dark silence I shall stay..
I lived among enemies...
To hear my own screams day by day...

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now