End to Beginning, vice versa

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"just because i'm your best friend doesn't mean you get to do that to them. i don't even feel like i'm worthy to be called a friend of yours... just classmate is fine with me. and the fact that i chose Xylas and Neil over you... isn't that a good thing since i'm finally happy where i am? i'm letting you go and you can go now. give me time, give me space to think. say sorry to me 77 times but i still won't forgive you. i'm glad this word war had ended. i have been thinking and no. i will not and will never accept your god damn apologies. don't ask why because i wouldn't even answer"

''You act as you were in anguish
But our patience you have extinguished!
I may have been your bestfriend
But ever since the beginning it was already the end!

I'm not worthy to be called thy friend!
For a thousand words I shall send!
An acquaintance is better
But Xylas and Neil, shall never shatter!

It feels great to be free from thy bonds..
The way you treated us, we were stunned!
To achieve where I have arrived
I got a chance of more dreams to strive!

To you I shall lose grip
You can go anywhere, leave us no tip
To give space may not be enough
To live a life with limited time is tough

To repent beyond limitation
Us forgiving you, should not be an expectation!
To feel free from this war
The past already feels so far

With hesitation, of course
Yet, I refuse, without remorse
I shall deny signs of repentance
Don't waste time in curiosity, thou shall not glance''

A Painful LifeWhere stories live. Discover now