Oh Diddly Darn

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So, I got a new phone (aka my Dad's 5C) and now I'm upset. The phone is fine, but here's what I mean.

1. All of my games and stuff were lost. Pokémon Shuffle level 216....lost. Goodbye. In the trash. Forgotten. Wow. Thanks.

2. My YouTube channel also lost. That's what happens when you forget your password kids. Now I had to go onto my "mlp" account and subscribe to everyone that I used to subscribe to.

3. My school thing, Quizlet. Yeah. Same problem with YouTube. I don't know if I remember the password. I should've kept the papers from 7th grade.

So yeah. Not that many problems, but to me, it's heart breaking. Legit. Everything for my games are gone. I had to download everything but it's still not the same. I was going to redownload everything from iCloud

But that was being a jerk and I lost all of the data. Sig.

There goes my life.

So if I'm upset on wattpad and don't reply immediately, then you know the reason.

I'm upset. *single tear*

At least my battery life is good, unlike my last phone. Where it died at 60% or so. Thanks old phone. I wonder what's happening to it right now??

Probably dead....like my soul.


I'm gonna go watch Yandere simulator. It calms me down. Thank you markiplier.

Oh and I need to type words now because my phone doesn't recognize a bunch of words.


R.I.P. Nicoletta's phone. 2015-2016

(I never even got to celebrate a year with it)

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