Chapter Three: Rude

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Adriana POV

"Why you gotta be so rude, don't you know I'm human too, why you gotta be so rude" - Magic, Rude. 

Unfortunately for me, today was my first day of school. I had spent the day yesterday getting a laptop and knew phone, as well as settling into my new home. Lucy and Tom had came by yesterday with Lucy's Mom, Hannah. They were all very lovely and stayed for tea. Hannah was somewhat mysterious of who I really was, so I was praying she didn't know I was the Princess. 

Lucy was overly excited when I told her about my twin sisters; Annabel and Isla. She had mentioned that they would be the best of friends, but I couldn't imagine that happening any time soon, or not at all. 

Hannah told me a bit about herself and family; she was full Italian as was Tom. They also mentioned  about how they met. It was a funny story actually; they had met at Hannah's engagement party. She was only 17 at the time, yet she thought she was in love. Anyway, they immediately started talking and one thing led to another, they ended up in bed together the next day. Hannah had felt horrible for cheating, so she called the wedding off, and instead started dating Tom.

A couple of months later, Hannah falls pregnant with her eldest son, Harry. A few years later, they had another boy and then Lucy ten years later. They still weren't legally married, but in there eyes, they were. They believed they didn't need a piece of paper to declare their ultimate love for each other. And I found myself whole heartedly agreeing. 

Hannah laughed about the day when they fell pregnant with Harry. Tom was going crazy, mostly because he had been eating cake all day. It didn't help the matter when Hannah blurted out she was pregnant. He had gone even crazier, and somehow he calmed down and gave Hannah and her tummy a big kiss.

They were happily in love, and still are.


When I arrived at the school, everyone was staring at me, the new girl. Which was understandable, they were curious as to who I was, but they wouldn't know who I really was. 

I continued walking up the stairs of Farewell High, the large school filled with many bratty girls and hormonal boys. Most of them wore glum looks; their eyes were dull and they looked like they would rather be at home, in bed. While others, shockingly, where smiling and talking to their friends. 

Farewell High was as cliche as Ken and Barbie. All the rich and snobby girls huddled around in a circle and gossiped about the hottest guy in school, who was a 'animal' in the sheets, and then there was the hottest couple. In this case, it was the head cheerleader and a jock. Big surprise there. 

The cheerleaders and jocks stood in another area. The group was rather large; all of the jocks looked like asshole by the way they had multiple girls under there muscular arms, and the cheerleaders, well, half at least looked approachable. The other half, looked like walking carrots with fake boobs and bleached hair. 

Then there were the 'bad boys'. There were only a few, covered in tattoos, the odd piercing and all black clothing. From here, I could see the cigarette in between the guys middle and forefinger. They all had a glare on their faces, staring hardly at anybody who dared to stare back. 

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