Chapter Forty Four: Isn't She Lovely

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful, Isn't she precious, less than one minute old." Stevie Wonder, Isn't She Lovely.

No words can describe how much I wanted to fucking murder Joel Brooks. No fucking words. My waters broke about nine hours ago, and since then I've been having contractions. The doctors came in not to long ago to tell me my cervix was almost ten centimeters dilated, which means it won't be long until my little baby would be here, and thank fuck that I've nearly past the active labor stage.

Joel, although kept me quite calm. He whispered soothing sweet nothings into my ear and holds my hand tightly every time a contraction would hit. I was so grateful for him being here with me throughout the entire birth.

I smiled at Joel who was sitting next to me, he had my hand pressed to his mouth and he looked at me with so much love it made my heart clench.

In the room with me I had Mum, Dad, Nicole, obviously Joel and there were also some guards by the doorway. Although when I would actually be giving birth, they would leave to give us some privacy.

The doctors came in again and checked how dilated I was, and by the looks on their faces I already knew.

"You're ten centimeters dilated, Princess." The midwives told me with a happy smile. I nodded at them in thanks and they sat down beside me. I felt another contraction hit and I gasp at how strong it was. Tears gathered in my eyes and leaked down my cheeks as the contraction lasted for a minute. Joel, being my loving husband, gently kissed away my tears.

"You've gone through what we call the transition, so you're baby has descended into your pelvis. The doctors will be here in a few minutes to assist with the birth." Then informed me. I nodded at them again.

I was counting down the minutes until I could see my beautiful baby, and to know what the gender was.

I stared at Joel lovingly while he caressed my cheek.

"You're doing wonderful, baby. I'm so proud of you." He whispered as he gently kissed my forehead and then much large stomach.

"I love you Joel, no matter how much pain I'm in." I said with a smile. Joel lightly laughed, along with my parents. I felt another contraction hit, but this one wasn't as bad as the previous.

I watched with hooded eyes as the doctors came in and took a seat beside my raised legs. They had a quick look at what was going on, before they nodded at the midwives, who moved closer.

"Okay Princess, what's going to happen is I'm going to tell you when you have to push and when you don't. So don't stress, otherwise it will make it harder for you and the baby." One of the midwives tell me. I nod my head and slowly brace myself for when she tells me to push.

"Okay, push." She said gently. I gripped onto Joel's hand tightly as I began to push. I could feel my baby start to come forward, and when I stopped pushing the baby slipped back a little.

This continued for another hour, which apparently was normal for women's first births. I was a complete mess, I had tears leaking out the corner of my eyes and every time I would push, I would let out a slight scream of pain.

But when the midwives pronounced that they could see the head, I became more determined. I drew in a quick breath and I stared at Joel, who surprisingly had tears of joy in his eyes.

"Push." The midwives ordered and I did exactly that. And finally, the sound of a high pitched cry sounded throughout the room. I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped under my eyes as tears uncontrollably leaked.

"It's a girl." The women said with a proud smile. I felt myself smile and reach out for my baby. When the baby was softly placed in my arms, I turned towards Joel who looked at us in awe. His beautiful dark green eyes were brimmed with tears that gently spilled down his cheeks.

I felt Joel come closer and wrap an arm around us. My husband gently kissed my forehead and then our baby girl's lips.

"My two beautiful girls." Joel choked out. I looked up at him and gently kissed him lips.

"What are you going to name her?" The doctors asked curiously .

"Ava. Princess Ava Grace Brooks." I whispered as Joel stroked our baby's cheek with a loving smile.

I smiled at our beautiful baby girl as her eyes opened up. They were a dark green, the exact same color of Joel's. She had a cute button nose and my curly, brown hair, but Ava's hair was a lighter, almost a honey brown.

I stared deeply into her eyes and smiled tearfully, thanking god for such a beautiful gift that I can call my daughter.


I cried writing this chapter. It's so scary to think that this story is almost over. Ava was born on the 17th of May at 9 o'clock at night.

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