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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart." 

I sighed tiredly as I finished heating up the bottle of milk. I was crazily tired and wanted to sleep, but my baby boy kept me up most of the night. You'd think that after ten years of being a parent, I would be used to it. But I'm not yet. The past ten years had gone by in a blur, and I now had five children, which were more then a handful.

Joel and I were still madly in love, as much as we were all those years ago. After our Ava was born, Joel had found a job as a builder, which he loved. While I, had started up my own art gallery. It was crazy, but it was something that made me happy to display paintings I've done myself. We had both been worried that we wouldn't have much time for each other, but neither of our jobs were too demanding so we always had time for our family.

I could here my baby boy, Cole, who was only six months old, laughing. He was the spitting image of Joel, which was why we decided to name him Cole. I walked over to my husband and passed him the bottle, ordering that he fed Cole.

I saw Ava out of the corner of my eyes softly playing the guitar and singing. My first daughter was quite the musician and we first witnessed that when she was only five and started to sing. Ever since then, she hasn't really stopped. She was a mix between Joel and I, she had her fathers eyes, yet my build and wavy hair.

Then there was my sweet Jasmine, who was exactly like me in appearance and personality. She defied everything Joel and I told her to do, she was quite loud and outgoing, she liked to cause mischief and I guess she learnt all this from her Uncle Kaiden. And she was only three, nearly four.

And then there were the twins; Aiden and Alexander. They were quite troublesome too, but knew when to stop, Alex was the most rebellious out of the two. And not to mention even at the age of seven, they were becoming quite ladies men. I couldn't imagine what they would be like when they're older. They were gorgeous boys though, which Joel's blonder hair, but a shade darker and my hazel eyes.

I smiled at Jasmine, who ran up to me and ordered I lifted her up. She was quite the mummy's girl, seeing as I was the one who let her get away with everything. Joel, not so much as he was protective over all of his children.

"Mummy, I love you." Jasmine mumbled tiredly as she played with my long hair. I sighed happily and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too, darling." I replied to her. I watched as Joel carefully picked up Cole and burped him, before gesturing to the other kids to get to bed.

I hoisted Jas higher up on my hip and made my way up the stairs to the children rooms. They all shared a room, except for Cole, who still slept in the room with Joel and I.

It wasn't like we didn't have the room, because when Jasmine was born, we built a rather large house not too far out of Keizer. It's just our children liked to sleep in the same room, we don't know why but neither Joel or myself had the guts to tell them no. We still owned our house from when we were eighteen, but it just wasn't big enough to fit six people. Which was sad for me, I had so many memories in that home that I didn't want to leave behind.

I was too caught up in my own thoughts to realize we were in our children's rooms and they were tucked into bed. I said goodnight to my four babies, making sure to kiss all of their cheeks and tell them I love them. Joel made sure he did the exact same, but it was a little more difficult with a sleeping Cole in his arms.

Just as Joel and I were about to leave, they kids simultaneously yelled out at us to wait.

"Mummy, Daddy, can you please tell us the story of how you met?" Jas asked sweetly. I watched as Ava, Alexander and Aiden nodded their heads excitedly. I looked over to Joel who wore an excited smile and nodded his head.

I sat on Jas' bed with Cole soundly sleeping in my arms, with Joel, who had his arms wrapped around Cole, and me, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"I was seventeen when I ran away from home," I stated and watched with curiosity as Jas' eyes lit up. "You're grandfather and I, we weren't on the best of terms and I decided, along with Jax, that I would leave Britain for a few months," I said with a long breath.

"So I left my family in England, and jumped on a plane to America and found myself in Keizer, Oregon." I told with a small smile. "I met Joel, your father, at school. It wasn't the best first impression he could've given, but it was none the less, the start of our wonderful story." I glared at a sheepish Joel as my children giggled quietly.

"Back then, he was a conceited eighteen year old boy who cared too much about the girls he was with. He infuriated me to no end and I tried to hate him, but somehow he lured me in and I started to develop feelings for him." I said to my four children as they stared at us in awe. I looked towards Joel who had amusement in his eyes along with love.

"You're mother was one of the most fiery, disobedient women I had ever met. She'd get me angry easily, arguing constantly with me, and it excited me. She acted like a spoilt, British brat. But it only made me want her more." Joel said as he stared at me. I gently pecked his lips, which caused our kids to squirm and get uncomfortable.

"We both fell in love with each other, and fortunately we over came some mistakes we both made." I said softly.

"Your Dad didn't forgive me straight away for lying to him about who I really was, but I didn't blame him. I tried to get him to take me back, but he was too stubborn," I chuckled. "I was set up to be in an arranged marriage, and at the time I knew I was pregnant with Ava." Both Joel and I smiled lovingly at our eldest child.

"I was suppose to be marrying my ex boyfriend," My four babies giggled. "But on the day of my wedding, I decided I wouldn't want anyone else but your father. So instead we got married and then eight and a half months later, we had our first child. Then eventually we had our two twin boys, Jas and then Cole." I finished as I looked at all my children affectionately. I turned towards Joel and smiled, knowing exactly what to say next.

"And that, is the story of The Princess and The Bad Boy."


I'm balling my eyes out. I was going to add more onto it, but I felt that leaving it here was a perfect ending.

So I know you probably all want to know what happens to Adriana and Joel, and there will be, hopefully, a spin off. Who the book will be on, is still undecided, but I'll let you guys know.

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story."

I would personally like to thank each and every one of you, whether you started this story with me and lost interest (not hating on anybody who stopped reading), or you started this story along the way, it doesn't matter. You all read this book, which means the world to me. Thankyou to two of my good wattpad friends, Chels and Lex, you guys are the best and I hope you two have enjoyed reading this. I honestly couldn't have done it without any of my readers. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Also, please check out their books. They're so amazing, and I can't wait to read them!! Also don't forget to check out Saving Her, which is going to be so bloody awesome, and Loving Harry Styles, which will be (hopefully) equally as good. I have a lot of ideas planned for those two books hehe.

I'm so amazed with how far I've come with this book, and when I started writing it I had no idea it would turn out like this. I'm so sad that it's come to and end, but I'm ecstatic that Adriana's and Joel's story was told. TPATBB is one of my favorite books I've written so far, and I seriously can't believe its over.

After one year and nine months, this book has come to a finish. Once again, I'd to thankyou all for being here with me. Oh and by the way, if you could all help me promote this story; it could be as simple as telling some of your watt pad friends, anything like that, it would be amazing and would mean the world to me :) 

And not to mention, there will be two massive surprises. This isn't, and I promise, the last time you hear from Adriana and Joel. Or their family. 

For the last time; vote, comment and fan xxx          

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