Chapter Ten: It's My Party

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Adriana POV 

      "If you were wondering if I give a damn, well, I do not, cause it's my party, I do, do what I want do, do what I want" Jessie J, It's My Party. 

The date with Adam was like every other date. We went to the movie's and watched a scary movie, even though it wasn't scary. I thought it was funny instead. 

I know Adam expected me to be scared and cuddle into his side during the movie; but this movie was just to entertaining. Why wouldn't you laugh when a girl get's so scared she runs out of the theatre? 

I surely did. 

When the movie finished, Adam took me home and gave me a 'goodnight kiss'. Like I said; it was like every date. 

But I will admit I had fun; mostly because I have feelings for Adam. Maybe. It was hard to believe because I've been here about a month, and during that month I may have developed feelings for a certain jock. 

I had another party this Friday, which Adam was inviting me too. The whole school was going except the Freshman's (A:N. Freshman's are from 13-15 years of age). They were too young for drinks and fun. 

It was around 8:00 when Adam came and picked Nicole and I up. We were both wearing dresses. Mine was a white princess lace dress with see through lace sleeves. Then I wore come black heels and had a black belt to go with it. No pun intended on the princess thing. 

      " You girls look absolutely stunning " Adam said with a small smile. Nicole rolled her eyes and immediately started texting someone. She had been fairly distant lately, which was weird for Nicole; she's usually talking non stop. Now's she's quiet. 

      " So who's party is it? " Nicole asked. Adam shrugged and put his hand on top of mine. 

I smiled at Adam and laced our fingers together and gave his hand a squeeze. Nicole fake gagged and pretended to be dying.

      " Now I'm third wheeling " Nicole whined once she recovered. Adam laughed at took his eyes of the road to look at Nicole.

      " So are you guys, like dating now? "  Nicole asked. I shrugged and Adam gulped. 

      " He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend officially, but we have been on a date " I explained. Nicole nodded her head and went on rambling about how she needs a boyfriend then we could all go on a double date. 

It took around 20 minutes to get to this party, which was at a beach house. Nicole linked arms with mine and we continued to walk to the party. All the cheerleaders were here and most wearing red, white or black slutty dresses. It was yuck. 

Then there were the boys who would grope and grind on a girl without their permission. Of, but of course the girls wouldn't care. They wanted the attention. 


I was wandering around the party, searching for Nicole or Adam. It was weird, as soon as we got here, Adam was gone. 

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