Chapter Thirty Eight: All Too Well

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"'Cause there we are again, when I loved you so, back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known, it was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well." - Taylor Swift, All Too Well.

I stared at my Father and Mum, waiting for them to tell me the bad news. I could tell by the worried look on Mum's face and the way Father stared at me with a small smile.

"I have good news." Obviously this is bad news. I nodded my head for my Father to go on.

"Your fiancé is coming to America to be with you, he'll be here tomorrow." My Father said with a smile before he continued to talk. "I know you're not all for the arranged marriage, but it's the only choice you have. Now, if you do make a scene in public about this or embarrass your Mother and I, there will be severe consequences so you will be punished."

No matter how badly I wanted to let the world know this was an arranged marriage, to embarrass my Father in front of everybody like he had done to me, I knew I shouldn't. I didn't know what the consequences would be, but I had no doubt they involved Joel somehow.

"Yes Father." I said like a good little girl. My Father nodded in approval and Mum looked at me thankfully, but yet she was still worried.

"Father wait, who am I getting married to?" I asked curiously.

"Kyle of course."

Those three words were enough to have me sprinting to my room and hyperventilating.


My mind couldn't stop thinking with the thought of marrying Kyle. Sure, at one stage I would've wanted to marry him. But not now, not when I know what he did when we were together and certainly not when I was in love with Joel.

I ran my hands through my hair stressfully and took a few deep breaths. I couldn't marry Kyle; I wouldn't put myself through all that again.


I smiled to myself as I looked at him. He was gorgeous as he concentrated on the piece of artwork he was carefully constructing. His honey colored eyes flicked over to mine with amusement and his mouth formed a smile.

"It's creepy to stare babe." Kyle said with a light chuckle. I gently leaned my head onto his shoulder and looked up at him, fluttering my eyelashes. He laughed louder at me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

"I can stare at you all I want." I said with a cheeky smile. He smiled back at me and gently laid a peck on my pouted lips.

"Yeah you can baby." He whispered gently to me. I smiled in amusement before going back to my own artwork.

But I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was how in love I was with him.


The memory came back to me loud and clear, one I had remembered often after our breakup. Moments like this with Kyle were always rare and I had found myself constantly replaying them; the times when he seemed to genuinely care about me, when he didn't lie and use me. When I felt loved.

Kyle and I had gotten together a few months after I started school, I was only 16 at the time. We started off slow and sweet, but as days turned into months, things started getting more difficult. We would always fight, he would always lie and I would always pretend.

I thought we were in love that was until his lies started untangling. I realised we were never in love. I was just in love with the idea of having somebody like him around, sure I had strong feelings for him, but not even close to what I feel for Joel. This happened just 7 months ago and we had been together for nearly a year.

I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would be like. If it'll be worse then expected, or if everything will turn out okay.


Writing another letter came easily to me. I explained that the marriage was arranged from the very start, and that maybe at one stage when I was young I had feelings for Kyle.

I wrote about the relationship Kyle and I had, the good and the bad. How much I had cared for him, but now he was just another guy to me. How scared I was to marry Kyle, if it would be a good or bad choice to go along with my Father's wishes. How I was scared to see him after 7 months; to see if he had changed or not.

Then I wrote "In despite of all this happening, I still love you and only you Joel. I will always love you."


Bit of a filler, but none the less it's an update :)) hope you're all excited to see what's in store for the characters in the next chapters, cause I definitely am.

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