Chapter Eight: Little White Lies

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Adriana POV


      "If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice, 'Cause you've been taking up my mind, With your little white lies, little white lies" -One Direction, Little White Lies. 

 I watched as Nicole throw the picture on the ground. Her eyes were blazing with fury yet she was crying. The lump in my throat wouldn't go away, maybe because she found out my secret and could do something about it. 

      "What the hell is this, Rose? What the hell are you hiding?" Nicole screamed. Inside I flinched, bu I kept myself poised and still. 

      "Are you not going to answer me, Rose? God I don't even know if your name is Rose" Nicole yelled angrily. 

      "You know what the answer is, Nicole. Please don't make me say it" I said pleadingly. Nicole shook her head and looked at the painting. 

      "I want to hear you tell me the truth. I don't want any more lies. I want the bloody truth" Nicole said while glaring at me. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat and coughed. 

      "I'm Princess Adriana" I whispered. Nicole looked away from me and stared at the window outside. 

      "Un-Fucking-Believable. The whole time, you were the princess" Nicole screamed. 

      " Shut up, people will hear your " I whisper yelled. 

      "Let them hear me, I don't care anymore. I don't even know you" Nicole screamed. 

       "It's not your secret to tell, Nicole. I don't want to be found" I yelled at her. My eyes were welling up with tears and I had to furiously wipe them away before they fell. 

      "I told you all my secrets; I told you about my parents. You didn't tell me anything" Nicole cried. 

      " Believe it or not, I did. I just didn't tell you my real name. And I lied about going to my aunts " I confessed. Nicole's blazing eyes widened. 

      "So you ran away from your family because they were to controlling. Oh you should've sucked it up, princess" Nicole sneered. 

      " Don't you get it Nicole. I was controlled by my parents for 8 fucking years. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere until I was 15. I couldn't go out with my friends, I lost all contact with people outside the palace. I wasn't even allowed outside. I was stuck in those palace walls" I screamed. Tears started rolling down my face now. I couldn't help it. My fingers were uncontrollably shaking so i fisted them in my hair. 

      "You don't know what it's like to not be able to see the sun. Or hear birds chirping. Feeling the wind in your hair. Listening to cars go by. I didn't have any of that for 5 years. And finally when I got it, I had to be more mature. I couldn't chase after butterflies or jump over rocks to the other side of the river. I had to grow up and become a fucking poised princess" I whispered sadly. Nicole slumped into the seat beside me and slowly turned towards me. 

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