Chapter Thirty Five: She Will Be Loved

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Joel Brooks POV

"Beauty queen of only eighteen, she had some trouble with herself, he was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else." – Maroon 5, She Will Be Loved.

The news of her engagement was all over the news, but that wouldn't surprise anyone. The Princess was engaged to someone, and that was the reason she ran away.

After I heard the news, Hayley rushed to me and tried to keep me calm. But I was livid.

"She was engaged to another man, the whole time. The whole time we were together, 'in love' she was secretly with another man." I yelled angrily. I heard Hayley start to say something, but I blocked her out.

I could feel tears well in my eyes and run down my face, and fuck I felt like the biggest dickhead for letting it happen. But I fucking loved that girl too much and thinking that she loved someone else made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't picture her with another man without getting angry and teary.

I wiped my cheeks before picking up my car keys and storming out of the house, making sure to slam the door just so everybody knows how frustrated and angry I am.


Half an hour later, I found myself drunk and alone. Cup after cup, shot after shot and I still couldn't get her with another man out of my mind. I knew that I could go sleep with any other girl here, but I would never ever do that to Adriana. No matter how much pain she has caused me, or how many lies, I love her too much to be with someone else.

I continued to drink until my eyes are stinging slightly and my feet started to wobble when I stood up. Everything felt like it was spinning so I reached my hands out to grab hold of something, but I had no luck.

I shook my head lightly and rubbed my eyes with my hands before looking up and, thankfully, they weren't hurting as bad.

My eyes searched the room and landed on a bulky, biker man. He was probably five years older than me and looked rather intimidating. But I however, was drunk out of my mind and didn't really have control over my actions.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I yelled to the man across the room. Immediately, he stood up and menacingly took a step towards me.

"What did you say kid?" He replied.

"I asked you what the fuck you were looking at." I sneered back to the man. Before I could register what was happening, a large fist came barreling into my nose.

The pain came a second later and I clutched my nose. I could feel some warm, sticky liquid running from my nose and I automatically knew it was blood. I wiped the back under my nose and saw the bright red liquid that I knew was blood.

That was all it took for me to pull my arm back and slam my fist into the dudes jaw.


I could barely remember what happened. I could feel pain in my nose, jaw and ribs, but I didn't know what from. I breathed in and immediately regretted it when my ribs started to hurt, and I knew that a few of them would have to be badly bruised.

A few minutes later, I saw a blurry figure jogging towards me. I recognized it as Adam and I scowled in disappointment. I had been hopping it would be my Rose, but I knew that she probably wouldn't want to see me, she wouldn't even know where I am.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Adam said as he scanned my face. I gave him a glare before I attempted to sit up but had no luck. I heard the low, sharp sound of a whistle and knew it came from the bastard next to me.

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